Saturday, December 24, 2016



回想休假前我就发了个小愿,想要睡个三日三夜以补充以往严重的缺眠。但心与身却静不下来,一直往外攀, 往外跑!阿弥陀佛想是看不过眼,就选了在祂的圣诞让我的身心静下来。
原本, 打算一大早就往净宗新厦参与佛七到晚上圆满但却在早上病发,发烧了。
无奈只好在家自修,虽然曾烧到39.8度但身心还好, 只有少许不适, 还可完成基本功课。尤其记起前一天散心念佛时忆起噶千爷爷慈悲的叮咛: 继续努力, 精进努力的一幕以让我调正心念, 提醒了我有噶千爷爷的"南无阿弥陀佛"的佛号唱诵CD就播着, 跟着念诵,就这样在清醒与昏沉间靠着噶千爷爷及阿弥陀佛的加持度过。
第二日起来, 感觉差不多痊愈了,友人也传简讯说已经为我在印度的寺庙点了之前请她帮忙点的 butter lamps,  难怪好得快。😊
感恩!晚上还溜出去上课, (好开心听到<<维摩诘经>>的故事如香积佛土众以闻香入三昧法等),回来时只是稍微不适,无大碍。觉得真是阿弥陀佛加持让我无碍去上课。💗🙏💗
但第三日早上去了巴刹, 也许那儿的环境较差,回来后,病情恶化,感冒加重。尤其肌肉酸痛般在后脑的痛只能直喊痛痛痛。。。
平常能靠自己念佛号自疗,可这次却只能提起"痛"号,知修行差了,得靠他力~ 噶千爷爷的加持。他真不愧是阿弥陀佛的使者!就在他的慈悲唱诵下,痛逐渐消失了。我就完全身心放松地沉浸在他与阿弥陀佛的加持中。之后,无意中发现全身柔软,尤如前一天听闻到的阿弥陀佛第三十三愿的蒙光触身获益愿所提到的身心柔软般?,真是神奇。。。(当然这只是我自己的感受理解;-P)
第四日早上起来,感觉好多了,但还是在家休息,以补足三日三夜睡眠愿。晚上因感觉好多就没再播放噶千爷爷的CD助眠,可隔天早上起来,就感觉身体较硬化,不像之前的柔软,就连忙试着再播放CD。真是神奇, 听着唱诵,真的感觉整个身体放松,摸摸身体,是比听唱诵前柔软了。阿弥陀佛!感恩加持!

My lessons  from this illness 😓
Though our body is not to be attached, Must take good care of it as need it for practice....
Illness is no joke... is suffering...
It reminds me to be more compassionate towards the sick... 😓
Impermanence...  better do what we wish as soon as possible,  don't never know when is that last day...

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Joyous Effort

It has been so many years since I first learnt "King of Prayers" and attended my first Vajrasattva retreat from Venerable Thubten Chodron at kmspks/Dabei and her subsequent sessions of Shantideva's "Engaging in Bodhisattva 's deeds".
This year is on "Joyous effort",  a good one for laxing me...

Some pointers:
Practice Like saying prayers of Aspirations Bodhicitta,  is like  planting seeds just like practise musical  instruments  till it gets better.
We may have doubt though reciting the great aspirations but can we really realise or  materialise  it?
Venerable assures we are now creating new good habits.
Even if it is hard and takes a long time, it is Okay as we are in right direction.

Rejoice that we met a path that works vs people who did not meet the Dharma or did not practice.

We are able to Distinguish between virtues and non virtues.
We try to get out of samsara of suffering.

We listen , integrate and contemplate.

Transforming our mind from... Ignorance,  anger and attachments,  greed,  non virtues
love, compassion, bodhicitta...

How do we transform?

story of Lama teacher to Comment on a devotee to practice Dharma.

Circumambulate...prostration... Reciting text....
( one may be doing so physically but mind may be thinking about having ice-cream after the practice,  etc)

~ transforming mind...

Not just physical action but motivation to make our mind virtuous...
( eg. change thought of overcoming anger over an event )
Mind becomes more peaceful..
Be happy...

Every being including flies, cockroaches, our adversity enemy has Buddha nature and can awaken.
Buddha is no liar so we do all have Buddha nature and not hopeless or special exception who does not have Buddha nature.
We can distinguish what is wholesome and beneficial.
And we can decide how to practice and move in right way.

In practising Dharma, there may be some discomfort but it is all for good of getting enlightenment.

Eg. in sitting meditation, we may experience body pain but the pain is worth it for us to bear to practice better.
It is interesting that with vision of pay-check, we will make effort to wake up early to work Or study, but when to wake up early for meditation,  we may tend to postpone... :-p

On practice of generosity,  a stingy person may train from giving from one hand to another  till gradually  to another persons'.; -)
Start from give food till flesh..._/|\_

Hmm, recommend to get the DVD on this 2 nights' teaching to revise...
A lot to contemplate till next year next chapter...

Am really Grateful towards the various teachers that I met and learnt from over the years....