Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teachings on facing illness by Garchen Rinpoche

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Garchen Rinpoche - Beloved Bodhisattva yeye!

I realised that all these great Bodhisattva readily happily take pictures with devotees as they know the photos will be future continuation of connection with them. If you feel lost at some point in time and you look at pictures taken with them, you will feel quite comforted you can supplicate to them. 💖🙏

He did not give up on his HK devotees but earnestly do a video transmission from Taiwan due to a strike in HK airport that caused him and his entourage to detour to Taiwan.
Oh compassionate Rinpoche you are indeed a great Bodhisattva.
When I had a chance to meet you close and requested you to bless my family members who are not well via my hp screen, though in urgency I forgot and speak in English instead of  Mandarin, you understood and immediately applied your holy balm and blessed their pictures one by one and with a final touch on my nose, knowing I needed blessings too.
When we requested to take photo with you, you readily embraced us and chanted blessings at same time.💖🙏🙏🙏💖
Oh Garchen Rinpoche, to me, you are really an ambassador sent by Amituofo to show us examples of living Bodhisattvas in this samsara! 🙏🙏🙏

Monday, May 27, 2019

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche 2019 teachings on “The Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras” in Singapore

It is 2 years later that Rinpoche continued his teachings in Singapore and this time at Suntec city convention hall!
Similar background settings recycled! 😉
Rinpoche refreshed our memory that the teaching is a commentary to Buddha's teachings.

He expressed his concern that culture, language and tradition hijacked Buddha's teachings.
We human destroyed the world not contributing even bees doing better
We have vague tools like language with lots of assumptions, and generalisation.
What Buddha taught is simple yet we miss it with our invent of language and value.

Temporary beauty like cherry blossom  is impermanence yet people treasure.

This text is relevant to now.
Identity- everything to do with identity to be special such as to have special cuts ,shapes yet afraid also to be different.
Identity is our biggest problem nowadays so Buddha's teaching is direct.
Identity is just an illusion.
Text is still relevant now more than ever.

Identity of me/ I if analyse nothing going beyond geographical truly existing nature.
Wants, needs ,sense drives!
"There yet not there" - Buddhism philosophy of life.
Non duality-  paradox - exists and not exists- Buddha's teachings
Heart sutra -Form is emptiness. Emptiness is formed. - Paradox.
Form not other than emptiness. Emptiness not other than Form. .
Buddhism emphasis much more on wisdom.
Rpc would like to hear that Good Buddhist with view it is there and also not there.

Refuge= Buddhist Baptising ?
= Enrolment ?
Contradicts what Buddha say you are your own master.
"Gochami" - "I go" to Buddha
What triggers one to take Refuge?
3 causes - fear, admiration  and compassion.

Fear -
kindergarten fear - afraid of rain, of hell so  take refuge or prosperity or health problem afraid of losing families so take refuge.
Deluded short sided fear but taking refuge in sublime object so will teach them to alleviate to higher fear.
High school fear - fear of samsara (fed up of clinging to myself which produces so much emotion act upon it these actions lead to more reactions and entangled and suffer...I am afraid cause and result of suffering; I don't want to go round and round of this samsara existence. )
Highest profile fear - paradox like rainbow - samsara and nirvana ; afraid when it is not there afraid it is  there. Dualistic game.

Admiration also has 3 levels - to perfection of non duality -  gain liberation - release me!

Compassion - exclusive in Mahayana
Compassion to all sentient beings to liberate from entanglement.
And this makes Bodhisattva refuge exclusive!

Taking refuge triggered by fear .
Highest Refuge is if Taking refuge because of compassion.
Most of us has kindergarten refuge because of kindergarten fear.
Maybe some of us at times once every 12 years fear of suffering of pain.
How much you know, purified of defilement, gain knowledge of dharma, quality of love and compassion not for yourself .
Mahayana cause of refuge mainly due to compassion.
Compassion is term adopted for long time.
Good thing to do - good is deeply rooted to academic culture.
In Buddhism, you are fundamentally good perfect!
You are taught you are Good.

Tibetan language :
To          Je                 Chen Bo
Mind    reverend     great/Maha

Feeling of empathy looking at someone who is suffering.
Dukka -
1. painful feeling mutual feeling object of compassion
2. Any happiness (no last; they change)
Why like because it last for a moment! imagine last a year.  Deluded beings like us like  smell of coffee temporary but Maitreya Buddha would think we are funny.
We like to make things solid ...may you live long...
Compassion triggered by everything is changing all the time.
Everything Subject to time is object of compassion
3. Duality - bad good - reference not good.

Above 2 n 3 are  Mahayana.
3- Exclusive Mahayana.
Triggered motivation to take refuge in Triple Gems.

Surrendering - give your control to someone more powerful sublime  stronger than uou.
According to Mahayana sutra that is not complete .
Gochami- I go to...
Where ? Where's the destination?
I go to the origin of me... what's that ?
Buddha nature!
I take refuge to fundamental Buddhahood for sake of ALL sentient beings.
That makes Bodhisattva tireless and fearless.
If gold merchant and someone gives a kg of raw gold.
As an experienced gold merchant as happy as given polished gold.
Bodhisattva look at world of people with greed delusion like experienced gold merchant they are happy to work with. 😊
Their compassion wisdom increase .

Refuge has this pledge or vow in ceremony .
Take refuge under this  Rpc does not mean marry matchmaker who links the partners .
Vow is path of language.
Anything that happens on the path is not a resolve! it is a discipline.
Discipline is blissful to each individual's needs and capacity.
Not everybody has to keep or lose hair.
There are fundamental views that you are taking refuge to Dharma then to accept non duality.
If you want to take refuge, accept everything is non duality.

Trustable like impermanence
All duality is painful.
All phenomenon has no true existing nature.

Til what time what's the end ?
What we do we have a purpose
If fear of becoming fat then we take path of dieting.
But this path is faulty because it will not lead to ultimate slim state .
U have to avoid the nice food then you regret at end of life.
Side track- 
16hours fasting - So much time in morning when not taking breakfast. 

Build house - does not mean enjoy house til end of life. You need to maintain. 
Refuge - awaken stage is our end. 

On path of challenges and delusions, you have the solution- you do not need to get it elsewhere. 
Problem you have is temporary but the Buddha nature is not temporary.  

Rid - sanskrit word for type/ family 
Tiger in cat family. 
Cast of Indians.

We all have Buddha nature 
we are all in royal family.
This Buddha nature is intact. 
One can be butcher life after life but this Buddha nature still intact.
Most of us unaware of this element.  
It feels like we don't have this potential. 

If not a Buddhist not Mahayana and never heard of Buddha nature. 
As a human being you go thru life.
You achieve what you achieved. 
Eg good grade good job then you feel is it all that is life ? 
Maitreya say this is your element calling...

Fear of wrong doing , Shame - you don't want to do what others do you don' t like - basic goodness 
This progressive goodness fundamental view is different from how you should not harm others

As long as there is a view there is a wrong path.

Paradox - we are looking at something that exist and not exist.
Depend on situation we can never see it as one and due to habit.
It is there, it is taking more precedence. 
Really believe Sth is there -develop longing to it. Jealousy someone gets it. 
Develop eternity view and when doctor tells you are dying. This view of permanence makes you angry why it happen to you forgetting element that it is not there.

We have jealousy and anger generally.
We act upon. 

If at 45, you feel like sth missing.  is this it?
If you take the chance to cultivate you can develop because you have this innate nature.
How to deal with obessions? 
Start from today look for 7 cracks 
Appreciate how things as useful meaningless meaningful as cracks.

What is Buddha nature.
Language is value,  not enough .
What he to say will have flaw.
Buddha nature is not a phenomenon. 
It is beyond subject and object .
Scientists believe big bang exist without subject.
Buddhist believe big bang is....

Buddha nature beyond words.
How to acquire this which is indescribable. 
Think about all that is wrapping BN 
Defilement anger  are destroyable not solid.
Emotion is manipulable. 
If we invest time to purify this.the essence is Buddha nature.
Pure action?
Everything is cause and condition.
Motivation is very important.
Morality and ethics - if you lie to say someone else life. It is accumulation of merits.

Harmful thoughts 
Converting mind
Wrong view of no cause no condition.
Nothing is ultimately good or bad

Subject of race or elements 
Construct path .
4 things indispensable to make a oath.
1. The view-  4thoughts
2. Practice that view - meditation 
3. Behaving with this view and practice 
4. End result of this path. 

Important that practice goes against duality.
Not just meditation on destress. 
If give up everything going but not going against duality then just discipline not practice Buddha Dharma.

Buddhist practice has to go against duality concept. 
Buddhist result is not what you get but eliminating sleep (Buddha- Awaken)
How much you off load.

The Buddha element path exist.
Cup stained by coffee when they wash the cup.
Confidence the stain is washable. 
Stain is temporary separate entity .
If cup is dirty wash .
Cleaning dirty - path.
Fundamentally cup has no dirt.
Motivation to clean. 
Different mtds to clean...
Fundamentally you have Buddha nature .
You can purify.

Tantric  - dirt stain does not bother me.
Clean cup bf it is clean  during it is not clean after it is clean it is one.
it is cup 
Majayana - cup can be cleaned as stain is not with it initially.
Buddha nature Buddha element hence guts to generate this seed: Bodhicitta.

Bodhisattva vow most beautiful vow to take. Aspirations to enlighten these sentient be gs.
Possible because sentient beings are gold in their nature.
We take Step by step by giving vegetables from right hand you left hand.
Develop this wish to like and slowly accustomed to this generosity.
Create joy when hear a suffering n no clinging to self.

Root cause of generating Bodhicitta is generate compassion. 
Wish to liberate suffering of sentient beings. 
There is doubt on how can I a defiled human being liberate sentient the being ?
Even to liberate 1 person proves to be so difficult how can I free limitless sentient beings from suffering ?
You have the info that you have innate Buddha nature. 
Convinced that our defilement can be purified.  
Defilements are temporary. 
Aspirations generate aspirations Bodhicitta. 
Pray freedom of sentient beings has an impact on others.

Your aspirations to free sentient beings of
you existing in this city while others think of fame wealth. This itself is cause or imprint of positive thoughts will have great impact to the surrounding.
Rinpoche shares  Moment by moment story: Mahayana - a pigeon picks a tissue touches mount Everest, one day it will be flat with the touch. This is the period of moment. Time is relative. Moment is eon. It is there and not there. This is Mahayana attitude!

19/5/2019am 5th chapter on generating Bodhicitta.
What rationale to generate Bodhicitta?Recognise a pain to generate Bodhicitta. Someone with so much hatred by nature he is evil ? There is whole potential they can generate Bodhicitta because they know pain!  They know someone is going thru pain via their act of killing. Knowing pain is a very important aspect.
As long as they have hope or fear, the seemingly human robots made in factory, the Buddha nature can be surfaced easily.
If inanimate with sophisticated but no sentiment then No .
Flower dint  have potential to generate Bodhicitta on its own. A coffee bean grown elsewhere unknown is still a coffee potential.

Avalokiteshvara ~ Avalok - looking grazing with compassion. Taken seriously gesture of Grazing to connect innate Buddha nature/element. Consciously mundane world is endless Bodhisattva - courage warriors.

To generate bodhicitta - listen contemplate make offering of flowers/ incense, practising virtues, practising not harming others . Wisdom and method combination practice of Bodhicitta.
May all beings be enlightened with this motivation of offering flower, that becomes Wisdom with method.
Ultimate bodhicitta is understanding emptiness.
Relative bodhicitta like aspiration bodhicitta and generosity for sake of all beings.
Beginning bodhicitta - Aspiration Bodhicitta to enlighten sentient beings to awaken to state of Buddha nature of no personal agenda. Not aspiring for friends or family.
Aspiration is to make them see the truth , nothing better than that! 😊
Act has master of ceremony. Today become human become worthy. I had become a child of Buddha entitled to all Buddha's wealth.
I shall engage in family duty I shall not disgrace Buddha family just as destitute beggar found a jewel I also among all my defilement I have today found kindness compassion precious wish to enlighten sentient beings.
I invite all beings in presence of Buddhas and Bodhisattva. In their presence I have taken Bodhisattva vow therefore all devas rejoice. (God's happy a human being took a Bodhisattva vows)
Symbolic of ultimate Bodhisattva is meditation on emptiness n Rpc lead us in a short meditation.
He gave all the following Refuge name:
Spring is passing
The birds cry, and the fishes fill with tears on their eyes
Ah, tranquility! Penetrating the very rock, a cicada’s voice.
—Helen Craig McCullough, Classical Japanese Prose, 539

Merits is described as accumulating Sense of longing to get closer to truth.
Time is there and not there.
Reflection of moon in water.
Gain loss criticism you look young you forget it is there and is not there.
Longing for that truth generating Bodhicitta
3 levels of suffering 2 exclusive 1 exclusive Mahayana compassion.
Bodhicitta is union of method and wisdom. Not mere feeling of empathy . It is big Bodhicitta.

Longing, associating with Buddha Dharma Sangha. Tolerance to Suyata.
You wish to reach state to not to return to samsara, cut root of suffering and causes of suffering.
Practice egolessness. U want peace liberated from samsara.
Nagajuna: non existence of nirvana is samsara.??
Bodhisattva must engage in grand motivation and aspirations like make offerings to all the Buddhas uphold all teachings of Buddha to benefit sentient beings to manifest in many forms. Aspirations to perfect 6 or 10 paramitas. To dwell n enjoy all the characteristics of Buddha field.
 Sutra: how can this rock n field be pureland of Buddha's. Aspire to have ability of sublime of senior bumi bodhisattva to relate to the world.

st bumi Bodhisattva to liberate 1 sentient being. Tolerate Long wait and does not see it as long and enjoy meanwhile.
Meaningful and lead one to enlightenment. Path status antidote solution.
Generate cause to destroy emotion but samsara and nirvana too.

QnA : Buddha nature independent pure how does defilement arise ? You are mixing 2 stages. When we talk about pretty stage of Buddha nature. What do u mean by defilement there are no Defilement no enlightenment no nirvana no samsara.
You are sleeping n night mare of a spider walking in .you are panic. Bf u sleep spider does not exist in sleep n after sleep it does not exist. Ultimate : No panic n no relief of having spider So cannot ask a relative question in ultimate level. Relative level there is culture, education Change dimensions to no time no space but we so stuffed to current.


QnA: Form is emptiness Emptiness is form Form is not emptiness. Emptiness is not for. Things exist when it is not there Neither exist nor non exist. Non dualistic - playing with child on beach building a sand castle you know it is not really a castle but also a castle. You play you engage in building the gate the roof of the castle. U as mother has guts and wisdom n say let's go home. Eg barbie doll or toy gun. You realise illusionist aspect of barbie doll and change now to vacuum cleaner or ferrari. Renounce them as time go. Why suffer so much ? Longing for non duality everyone has. Alcohol- when get drunk they get bold people say things they long for duality. Non duality is a gift by India, Shayamuni Buddha to the world. It reflects on Buddhist in eg. Buddhist shop. Simple monk and luxurious Guanyin. As long as there is a view to Taste salt to give sugar etc and say not it. 
U know you are playing game It is not binding you.  It is a real game that binds you it caught you. What is Nirvana and samsara ? We can play but Not caught by the game we play. 

Watch emotion. Any poking is feeding emotions ------- All philosophy especially Buddhism Transcendent and mundane world are illusory there out of necessity. 
 Look at moon not at finger. This is the transcendent world and mundane world. To bridge the 2 world's, we talk about 2 truths relative and ultimate truth. Thus language of 2 truths just for communication. Buddhist don't believe truly ultimate truth.
 None... Ice cube solid can hold it, walk over it if big due to cause and condition such as cold weather but nature of ice is water. The two are neither one nor separate. Teaching of Buddha speak of thus 2 truth. 
All compound things are impermanent. 
In ultimate there is neither permanent nor impermanent. Everything is beyond. Buddha nature - ultimate truth. No time no once upon a time you were ignorance being. Such concept exist only at relative level. 
Path is a fake medicine for illusory problem. Just because there is illusory does not mean there is chaotic. It exist and it does not exist. 

Mandala orderly chaos 6th chapter 
Having grand vision I want to enlighten all sentient being I want to buy a flat in zone A. Mahayana people think 1 achievable but 2 not going to happen. If it happen how you wish it never to happen. Just thinking of 1 that is success already. The glass is clean 99.99% clean . Accomplishment- big vision. 
Bodhisattva path is oldest leadership training. With big vision then death is not going to discourage us. It is just changing an identity for us to continue do big things . The end of Bodhisattva is to enlighten sentient beings . Awaken the people is a better word. 
This is a mask this is a game don't be afraid. Infinite ways to awaken one. 
If it requires being composed, then be it. 
Make them see the truth relative snd ultimate. How things appear and what they are. 
Like ice is solid but nature is water. 
Beginner Bodhisattva may not be savvy initially. 
People love to hear lies if you tell too much truth you get out casted and get discouraged. With good intentions to and on pride of having good intention you get vulnerable hurt easily. 

Slightly matured Bodhisattva know how to pester people what to say Gift of time, gift of space soothing conversation. Born in the mud but not stained like lotus.. Play this game for sake of all sentient beings.
Path of Bodhisattva Important to question whether Buddhism is "spiritual" path or not. Religion - Tibetan: Tru look - look : custom (habit) Dharma - hold characteristics. 
When did everything arise ? Analysing then relative arises... What is Buddha Dharma ? System or path that combines wisdom.and method. Wisdom - Seeing the truth knowing the truth - sooner or later we will all die. .. Contemplating this could be my last cuppacino... See you later...Bye 
When you look at things this way tmr I may not see this ... Appreciate things more -- combining wisdom and method. 
Your attitude towards others values changes. .. Things bother you no longer bother you. As your techniques to combine gets more complicated. - Bumi (ground/earth) Level - how much u unite wisdom and method.
Path of accumulation - contemplate at Starbucks last coffee. 
 Path of application - "Won" - rubbing of twigs to fire. Getting used to this Walking... siting ...sweeping -- all meditation.

I am awakening while you fall asleep When alarms ring; I am dreaming again... Upaya - custom made for different people's needs Taste of being union of wisdom n method. 
Learning to ride bike, bruises here n there then able to ride.... taste ...long for it it again... 
 Mahayana path - Maha grand view... Zero waste path - everything is usable. 
Why entangled in samsara ? 
Ego clinging. .. Cut robe that is clinging - self clinging. .. Bodhisattva wish to be liberated.... Grand view - grand motivation of wishing to enlighten all sentient beings ...
Grand method : unusable by other yanas. Amazing method...inaction... We do not go around killing people because it costs...and difficult. .. Bodhisattva took a vow that I will not kill... I shall not kill ....then sleep n accumulation of merits... Motivation that all who sees my....will have a link with me... Train to think I and others are equal not equivalent to equal rights Mind training I and others are equal Changing position of I and others and Try interact with the world. 

Accustom not to be distracted - Samantha 
Need to know the truth Knowing the truth recognise the truth - Vipasanna - That's it...this is my last drink... When shopping - contemplating I need 20 jeans for next 44 years. .. (plan shopping based on my remaining number of years) 
 As it is.... Citta- 3 characteristics:
  Play knowing you are playing a game Why you play ? To benefit other beings and yourself. You play you enjoy the game. Buddhist No is special Buddhist No. 
Root of Suffering is Dualistic mind. 
World is changing! Buddhist need to think about it. 😉
Pardon for misunderstanding missing info 
Above just pointers captured to remind myself...💖🙏

Monday, April 22, 2019

Gratitude to my early chanting encounters

Gratitude to Triple Gems for my early encounters with my 3 favourite chanting venues which are Dharma Drum Spore for Amituofo chanting , Bao Huang Fo Tang for Dabeichan and other Chinese Mahayana chanting pujas and Om centre for Vajrayana mantra chanting!
I like their rhythms,  with variation of fast and slow and encouragement of loud chanting!

May I master the rhythms of good chanting and be blessed with good voice that motivates others. May whoever hear my chanting be blessed and planted with seeds of liberation!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Do not be affected...

True... we should not be affected by others...

Over the  past 1.5 years, I realised my compassion quickly affected and eroded by those around...😵😓😫😈

Thank goodness reattended the Mani practice and Vajrasattva retreat that does have some effect to clear the obscurations and purification. Slight recovery and rekindled and reconnection to my basic motivation !

The recent Fo2 at DDS with the teachings also rekindled and reconnected me with Amituofo and DDM.
I must try not to be affected by others and retain my basics...

May All have no obstacles to attend good practices and retreats to clear their obscurations and be purified and always be reconnected with their basics...
Amituofo 💖🙏🙏🙏

Reflecting I finally realised why the following prayer or dedication is important :

May Bodhicitta, the excellent and precious mind💖
Where it is unborn, may it arise.💓
Where it is born, may it not decline 💗
And may it ever increase, rising higher and higher.💖🙏

Monday, January 28, 2019

Karma Affinity

I like this story which explains why perhaps I have more affinity with some teachers and specific persons.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Karmapa Chenno 💖🙏

This post from internet facebook reminds me of the compassionate eyes I saw in 2014 at the rooftop of Tergar monastery when Karmapa glanced at the queues of people waiting to meet Him (that time He was wearing glasses and with face mask and some water vapour formed on his glasses as he breathes.)
I was touched by the sight till now.🙏🙏🙏

Karmapa Chenno 💖🙏

These are good pictures of compassionate eyed Karmapa with glasses sourced from internet with the last may be closest to match my memory but not exactly... the unforgetable...
May I have the good fortunate to meet Him again in this life. 💖🙏