Monday, June 22, 2015

5th 100 million Ami Dewa Recitation Retreat 2015

The 5th 100 Ami Dewa Recitation Retreat was held on 11-14 Jun at Marina Bay Sands'  basement Exhibition Hall F. 
It is a much spacious hall compared to the cosy ballroom where it was held for the past 2 years. This year we had a good team of Rinpoches,  Khenpo, Lamas and 2 Anilas on stage with us! 

Rinpoche leading crowd in circumambulating the Mandala Stupa during lunch-breaks.

Giving Hi-5s to devotees at end of each day's session.
Always displaying a Joyous smile to us despite own bodily discomfort.
Thank you, Compassionate Rinpoche!

Gratitude to you ...
Thanks for another relaxing retreat with precious teachings by not only Garchen Rinpoche but the two young Rinpoches and Khenpo.
Yes, another farewell trip to Changi Airport to send Rinpoche off on 17th Jun 2015, 8am.

After hearing more stories about Garchen Rinpoche, it further reinforces my faith in Him as Ambassador of Amitabha Buddha, <<弥陀慈父>>的化现。。

幸运地,我排在前面但紧张的我又惯性地以汉传感恩拜別礼拜师父的传统,准备跪下向他供卡达。慈悲的仁波切立即站起来阻止我,并说:"不要跪,不要跪..."。并不断地跟我说:“Ji Ji Mu Li ,Ji Ji Mu Li..."。
当时的我听得一头雾水, 不知藏文翻译那是什么意思。但由于后面己排起了长龙,我只好快速地退到一旁。
后来,友人帮我分析才发觉仁波切讲"不要跪"是汉语,那Ji Ji Mu Li 很可能是继续努力,精进努力。 顿时, 我更感动地觉得他的慈悲简单的叮咛却是对我很好的勉励。

Parents of my generation  are usually more reserved and stricter,  being less expressive of love to their children but they melt with smiles whenever they see their grandchildren...
Towards all beings, Garchen Rinpoche is like a grandfather always happily,  receiving his grandchildren with open arms...I feel so touched...

以后当我又松懈不精进时, 只要看到照片,想到仁波切慈悲的叮咛勉励: 继续努力,精进努力。。。, 相信将会给我一定的加持力,继续努力吧!



Sunny said...


Sunny said...

Please watch this close up on how Garchen Rinpoche gave refuge ...with love and compassion 🤗🙏
Espy from 4th min.
I felt he gave the smile
Like saying Kid...
Finally you are home...

Sunny said...

By watching the video in future when one feels down, I believe it will up one's spirit that someone is there for you...

Sunny said...


Sunny said...

Download mantra chanting by Garchen Rinpoche
Dear Dharma friends,
In order to benefit students, we have uploaded a series of mantra chanting by Garchen Rinpoche to our official website. You are welcome to download them for listening, learning and meditation. All our resources are free and please do nit use them for commercial purposes.
Download location:
Downloadable files are as below:
1. Phowa (liberation through listening at the time of death)
2. Amitabha heart mantra
3. Medicine Buddha heart mantra
4. Six syllable mantra
5. Green Tara heart mantra
6. White Tara heart mantra
7. Yellow Manjushri heart mantra
8. Guru Rinpoche heart mantra
9. Vajrasattwa heart mantra
10. Vajrasattwa long mantra
11. Vajrakilaya heart mantra
12. Lord Jigten Sumgon heart mantra
13. Kalachakra heart mantra
14. Tara Praise written by Lord Atisha
Garchen Dharma Institute, Taiwan

Sunny said...

The sand art video you saw during the recent 100 Million Ami Dewa Recitation Retreat about our precious teacher, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche is now online!

Titled "The Enlightened Deeds of a Great Bodhisattva", you can now view the sand art video via following YouTube link, .

Sunny said...

07 - 只有慈悲心,可衡量福德大小

Q:「曾經有人跟我說,福報資糧不夠大,幫助人時需量力而為。我說我們修法迴向是希望藉由上師、三寶來加持他,希望他能更好,不是嗎?我們的力量雖然不大,但是可以祈請上師來加持,不是嗎?心量不是無限的嗎? 」


A:「福報這種事情就是可以慢慢培養的,你愈是培養的話,即使說沒有福報的話,是不是就不要幫助別人了?福報這種事情是可以培養的,透過不斷地禪修、不斷地生起利他心跟慈愛心,它就可以愈來愈 擴展,隨著你的慈愛心愈強,你的福報當然也就愈大,利他的力量也就愈強了。比方說,你可以去照顧年幼的孩子,或者是年長的長者,讓他們不受到不穩定、不安全的因素而感到害怕。這些事情不是說一定要受外在形象上或金錢大小而衡量,所謂的福德並不是這樣衡量的,福德是看你慈悲心大小來衡量的。


福德跟你的慈悲心是非常有關的,你如果認為福德不夠,所以你就不發慈悲心、不去利他的話,那福德就會一直退損一直退損。相對地,因為福德可以改造,所以你愈是發菩提心、愈是利他的話,那它就愈 能夠獲得改變。而且,這樣的改變是從內心當中可以改變的,當不斷憶念他人是自己的父母,想久了,你確實會這樣子認為的。比方說,我自己的瞋心非常地嚴重,總很容易生氣,但是總是試著說我還是要利他一下,或者總是想著我可能還是要把別人當成是自己的父母吧,這樣子想久了之後,久而久之也會覺得就是成為習慣了。」

Sunny said...

Books of words of Garchen Rinpoche ...

Sunny said...

Cool Q&A compiled...
I like this one...

Q: Dear Rinpoche, I have heard that to be reborn in human realms which is higher rebirth is more faster to achieve Buddhahood compare to be reborn in Amitabha Pureland. Thank you!

A:It is true, but if you want to attain enlightenment very fast in this human life, you have to practice hard like Milarepa. Nobody can do that, you can't even do a month-long retreat right?
If you go to Dewachen, then there's no difficulties so might be a better idea to go first Dewachen and slowly to attain enlightenment there.
There is no difficulties in Dewachen, so you can slowly attain enlightenment there.

Sunny said...

Q: When I am engaged in practice, I often feel pressured - worrying that I might not do well and can't benefit others who have immense suffering.
As a result, it is difficult to have a relaxed mind nor rejoice at the end after dedication. Please, Rinpoche give some advice on this problem.

A: When you t, don't think about “will I benefit or will I not benefit sentient beings”. So when you meditate, it is like you are creating the seed of a flower now. When you meditate again and again, then this seed will grow a sprout. Then from the sprout, it will grow the stalk, and then it will become the bud and flower.
So don't doubt whether if I will benefit the sentient beings. Just continue to mediate continuously, but don't try to wonder whether or not it will benefit. Now we are creating the seed of the flower, so don't worry about will the seed be of any benefit. Just know that from the seed, the flower will grow.
So when you meditate and you attain enlightenment, then you can really benefit them. When we are creating the seed, we have to focus on meditation and cultivate love and compassion, thinking about your parent, your teachers, your country and cultivate love for them.
Especially the greatest love you should have is for our country, they give you roads, hospital, school and so on. So actually think that all the countries in the world are very kind, very precious, so you cultivate love for your country and then love for all the countries. Then also those that are not human, like animals for example. What is the difference between animals and human?
The difference is the degree of bodhicitta. If you have a little bit of bodhicitta, you are born as human. If not, you will be born as animals and animals temporary suffer. That is their karma of ignorance, not knowing karma, cause and effect. If you cultivate love and compassion for them, then slowly they will pass from this existence. So if you meditate, actually it will benefit all sentient beings and also pleases all the Buddhas. Don't wonder whether or not if this will benefit, this is just another way of thinking mind. So planting the seed of flower, you cannot say it have to benefit right away, you can't eat right now. First you have to nurture the seed, then later it will grow into flower.


Sunny said...

Q: Tashi Deleg Garchen Rinpoche. I will like to ask if I can just chant Ami Dewa mantras without reading through the Sadhana? What is the correct way to do it? Thank you.

A: There is a brief visualization; the one of the ultimate; like my own awareness is Amitayus. So think that the space is pervaded by the large form of Amitabha and think that blessings fall down from him and bless all the sentient beings in the universe.
At the same time whatever you do and wherever you go, recite the Amitabha mantra. However, in the end, you shall dedicate; at least sometimes.
For example, every day in the evening before you go to sleep, you shall dedicate. In the morning when you get up, you shall read the opening prayer refuge, and it would be ok if you don’t recite the sadhana or further mantras.


Sunny said...

Q: When we are chanting the mantra, do we keep up the entire visualisation all the time?

GR: You do not have to keep visualising all the time during mantra recitation. In the beginning when we recite the visualisation for the mantra recitation, you should generate the visualisation as explained in the text. Then you begin reciting the mantra with this visualisation.
When your mind then becomes clear and calm you do not have to visualise anything. You can just sustain this state of clarity and tranquillity as you recite the mantra.
If distracting thoughts or emotions again arise you should come back to the visualisation to help you mind return to focus.
When there are no thoughts you can just rest in the empty natural state of mind, abide free from fixation, not separating self and others.




Sunny said...

"May all sentient beings be benefited and happy." If you have this intention, then all your activities with body and speech will become virtuous. We now have the merit to be born as a precious human beings in this world and we have also encountered the teachings of the Buddha.
This is a great merit that comes from the merit of having cultivated love and compassion. When we have love and compassion, anything we do with body and speech will become virtuous.
We rejoice in any virtuous activity of others; for example when we engage in a retreat like this, the entire world is participating in this retreat and whoever rejoices in this will also obtain the same benefit.
Even if someone just recites a mala round or a thousand of mantras, if one rejoices in the merit, however many millions of mantras are accumulated, everyone will obtain the same benefit.
This is the authentic teaching of the Buddha.- Amitabha Teaching called Revealing the Path to Liberation by His Eminence Garchen Triptul Rinpoche.