Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mani Recitation Retreat 2008

Om Mani Padme Hung

(What I interpret when I first heard about the mantra:

Own Money Pay Me (Mei) Home

I thought, Indeed, very reflective of truth, we have to work towards the final ultimate goal through our own efforts, savings of merits etc.)

I feel really blessed to be able to attend the Mani Recitation Retreat 2008 as full-timer, drawing a beautiful end to last 3 days of 2008.

This year, the retreat was held at Suntec City Convention Hall and led by His Eminence Thritsab Rinpoche, Rabsang Rinpoche and Drikung Kagyu Lamas.

Extracted from

Full Timed participants: 101,113,506
Part Timed participants: 12,787,806
Online pledged participants: 12,294,000
The total count of Mani mantra chanted after the deduction of 5 % due to omissions or unclear chanting: 119,885,546

(Phew, we were still very worried up to the last minute that we could not achieve the target, but by just counting Full timers' less 5%, we could just missed it! :P
Many Thanks to Part-timers and Online pledgers for their effort too in helping met the target!)

Why 100 Million??? (Pls Click on question or here for answer) :-)
Om Mani Padme Hung


a veg*n @ Blog*Spot said...

Me too, I heard it that way - Own Money Pay Me (Mei) Home

I heard it as - Old mother Penpal or Om like a Bell and some other versions when it went real fast, just couldn't recall now. My boy not around, he heard different versions too.

It was after 2 yrs that I can really follow it. 2008 retreat, even with different ways of reciting from my "neighbours" it does not bother me anymore and kind of enjoy it.

Ha..ha.., I never tot we could make it as it shorten to 3 days. I even told my son, the number does not really matter lah. It is just a figure, what important is what do you get out of it. If it can't make to figure, we just take whatever figure lor.

I don't think that there is a way to be real exact. After all, how can we know and how many are really reciting, not sleeping, not day dreaming, not yawning the frequent toilet trips, eating during the reciting etc. There was a maid there to accompany her boss, I don’t the maid would recite :p The 5% discount is just a rough discount.

Sunny said...

Haha, I didn't get the right pronunication in 1st year too.
I believe the right pronounciation per short clip played during break chanted by Drubwang Rinpoche is closer to "Own Money Pay Mei Home".:-)

When chanted very fast, one's neighbour may not be able to hear clearly but the person chanting would know.
Yes, the most important is we particpated and enjoyed it.
