Sunday, April 30, 2017

The color representation of Buddhism flag


标准的国际佛旗拥有六条彩色等宽的条纹 – 蓝、黄、红、白、橙, 和由前五色条紋打横排列而成的第六条紋。据说﹐佛陀证悟真理时所释放出的光芒含有这六种色彩。旗帜的颜色各别代表特定佛教教义之精髓。

蓝色 Nīla

黄色 Pīta

红色 Lohitaka

白色 Odāta


橙色 Mañjeṭṭha
橙色象征着佛法中的智慧。通过适当的学习、实践和思考,我们可获得透彻的智慧 - 如实看待生活,如实理解一切事物的本质。

五色结合 Pabhāssara


Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Finally! So happy to get to watch this documentary 第17世大宝法王纪录片《乘愿再来九百年》 during Tergar S'pore's practice session last Sunday.


We were also told to discuss what 's the meaning of life after viewing the DVD.
A question that I am still searching for an answer as I am still leading such a mundane life...

After class, more reflection on the question.
Eons vs 900 years vs 80 years of average life span
80 years is nothing ... in comparison yet we made such a fuss out of it that the compassionate Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have to come back for us again and again.

Just 80 years is like eternity to us but in reality, it is just a small fraction of eons.
And yet we are still immerse in this world stage of defilements and ignorance, unable to emerge out of it.
Then the thought:  how did the first self-attaching "I" arise?
So had a quick goggle and following related articles shown up with blessings of Triple Gems...

How Were The ‘First’ Humans ‘Created’? (Part 1: Sutta Summary)
Taught by the Buddha, the Agganna Sutta is fascinating because it demystifies many mysteries, such as how the universe, the Earth, humanity, civilisation, defilements and spirituality evolved – with practical perspectives too. 
During the previous cyclical contraction of the world system a long time ago, beings were mostly karmically born in the Abhassara (Brightly Radiant) heaven, where they dwelled afloat in self-radiance for a long time, feeding on bliss from meditative absorption. When the world began to expand again, most of them are reborn on Earth. After a long time, a sweet savoury earth spread over its dark waters. One of the beings tasted it on a finger out of greed, and craved for more, followed by the others, as they broke and ate pieces of it. As a result, their luminosity disappeared, and the moon and the sun ‘appeared’ (in contrast), distinguishing night and day, months and the seasons.
The more the beings ate, the coarser their bodies became. As arrogance and conceit arose when the better looking ones despised the uglier ones, the savoury earth disappeared, leading to lamentations. In replacement, a sweet mushroom-like fungus cropped up, which they ate for a long time, as they became coarser and further differentiation among themselves. With more arrogance and conceit, the fungus disappeared and was replaced by bamboo-like creepers, followed by fragrant rice free from powder and husks, which replenished itself over a day or night. After feeding on it for a long time, female and male beings developed sexual organs, as they became lustfully preoccupied with each other. Those seen indulging in sex were barred from villages for a month or two, while they built dwellings to hide their activities.
It then occurs to one of them to be lazy, to gather rice for both breakfast and supper at once instead of twice a day. Gradually, the others also gathered for more and more days. When the rice was stored, powder and husk began to envelope the grain. Where it was reaped, it did not grow again, and they had to work harder and harder to tend to it for food. Lamenting that wicked ways have become rife among them over time, which affected the changes, they divided the rice into fields with boundaries. When a greedy one stole crops from another’s plot, he was caught and reprimanded. However, he repeats stealing, which led some to hit him with fists, sticks and stones.
The beings then appointed the best-looking, most pleasant and capable one to censure and banish those who deserved it, giving him a share of their rice in return. He came to be called Maha-Sammata or ‘the people’s choice’. Thus began the ‘Khattiya’ or ‘Raja’ class, who were supposed to be ‘lords of the fields’ and ‘he who gladdens others with Dharma (Truth and the path to it)’. Some thought that they ought to put aside evil conduct (such as murder, theft, sexual misconduct and deceit) and came to be known as ‘Brahmins’ and ‘Jhayakas’, which means ‘they who put aside evil unwholesome things’ and ‘they who meditate’. They made huts for forest retreats and meditated there, gathering alms for their morning and evening meals in villages. Some who were unable to meditate settled around villages and compiled texts, and came to be known as ‘Ajjhayaka’ or ‘they who do not meditate’.
Some others paired off, adopting many trades, and came to be known as Vessa (traders), which means ‘various’. Some went hunting, and were known as ‘Sudda’ (hunters) or ‘they are base who live by the chase’. All the castes’ origins were in accordance to the ‘Dharma’ (and how it was interpreted), and not by others. Some Khattiyas, Brahmins, Vessas and Suddas who were dissatisfied with their own ‘Dharma’, renounced household life to be wandering Ascetics.
Karmically, anyone who was ill in thought, word and deed, and had wrong views would be reborn in a lower realm in suffering, while anyone who was good in thought, word and deed, and had right views would be reborn in a higher realm in bliss. Those who have mixed karma experience mixed consequences, while those properly restrained could eradicate their defilements and attain Enlightenment, becoming chief among others in accordance with the Dharma, such as the Buddha, whose wisdom and conduct is the best among humans and gods.







My teachers described the clear light of mind as self-illuminating – like the flame of a candle, which is both a source of illumination and illumination itself. Clarity is part of the mind from the beginning, a natural awareness. You can’t develop it the way, for instance, you develop muscles through physical exercise. The only thing you have to do is acknowledge it, simply notice the fact that you’re aware. 

~ 詠給明就仁波切《世界上最快樂的人》Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche “The Joy of Living”

Image may contain: 1 person, text and close-up

Need time to digest...

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Happy 81st Birthday! May you stay young and healthy with long life to teach all sentient beings!  祝您身体健康, 长久住世,法轮常转!
Visited DTDL for celebration and One of the main events is to recite above Sutra text and write/trace the Sutra container...
 Benefits of writing the Sutra container Unfathomable Life and Transcendental Wisdom!
Lights also offered and Birthday song sang and cake eaten... and also short teachings by Dorzin Rinpoche on importance of Guru Devotion...

May we all  practise well... Lama Chenno...


Dear Amitabha Buddha,
May you bless your ambassador in samsara who earnestly teaches...
May the living Bodhisattva who is great inspiration to us be in good form and health, live long to continue brighten up the lives of many via his Bodhisattva acts.
Amituofo _/|\_

Sunday, April 9, 2017

净界法师~ 禅观与净土 - 往生篇

Some pointers from the talk attended and pardon again for the incomplete and/or misunderstood notes :
Day 1
专注 归依 深觉业障重, 信弥陀大愿可救拔
我们主导, 佛陀响应~感应道交

 万般皆是业 心能改变

跳脱今生,  回到无生
因缘所借 ~ 主动归还 ~ 从未拥有


Day 2 (absent but sharing by sister A)
Critical part is when you are dying, need to have clarity of mind that you do not want anything (attachment) from Samsara.
Realise that you are part of emptiness.
If you are well prepared and practice well - need only chant Amituofo once.

The Visualisation of the Pureland taught.

Make sure in Samsara- do 1 important thing - ->finish your good or bad karma
Follow Buddha's method of Visualisation. Have image of Pureland when you are passing.
