Another extraction from email received...
Beware.... by trying to rotate your head 360 degree to relax strained muscles around your neck area, you could risk suffering a stroke.
For a stiff neck, the following exercise is recommended:
Lift your head & expand your chest area
Lower your chin
Slowly tilt your head left and right or lower your head
Shrug your shoulder
These could all help relax your strained muscles around the neck & shoulder area.
苗栗縣六十歲廖姓男子覺得脖子僵硬,每天都習慣性三百六十度旋轉頭頸,日前他連轉六圈後左上肢無力,認為是血脈未通,又反向轉了六圈,隨即全身癱軟。醫師診斷是「脊髓中風」,治療復健後目前已恢復八成。 「以後不敢了,告訴大家千萬不要這樣轉!」廖姓男子昨天現身說法,提醒和他有同樣習慣的民眾,小心不要轉傷了頸椎。頭份鎮為恭紀念醫院神經內科主任林日暉說,「脊髓中風」在臨床少見,他行醫十五年第一次收治到病例。 廖男子在消防器材業任職,工作須仰頭,脖子常感覺緊繃僵硬,幾年來他習慣三百六十度旋轉頭頸舒筋,而且要扭得聽到「卡、卡、卡」的聲音才過癮。
上月十四日下午他在工廠準備上工時,又習慣性做了一段頸部大扭轉,轉了六圈突感左上肢無力,認為是血脈未通,又反向轉六圈,結果雙腿也癱軟,連想拿起放在口袋裡手機的力氣都沒有,還好同事發現,十五分鐘後他被送到醫院,已經全身癱瘓。 廖姓男子接受頸脊椎核磁共振檢查後,林日暉發現他第三、四節頸脊髓有中風現象,再加上他「麻花式! 」扭轉頸部,致脊髓動脈內膜受傷,造成血管栓塞,是脊髓中風的主因。 林日暉表示,脊髓中風不至於致命,仍可造成終身殘障,許多人都有這種扭脖的習慣,其實隨著年紀增長老化,只能容許牽引式的動作,就是頭部前後或是稍往側邊,而且要慢速、輕緩的動作,切忌快速大動作。
繞圈、仰頭、扭喀喀都不健康---不少人因感到脖子痠痛,以繞圓圈或搖頭晃腦來紓解不適,但專家指出,以脖子繞圈反而增加頸椎的摩擦,容易增生骨刺;正確的方法是縮下巴,或以頸部側彎的動作,就能紓解頸部疼痛。 物理治療師公會全聯會理事長簡文仁指出,人體的脊椎就像一節一節的竹子,而頸椎因承受頭部的重量,尤其是固定某一姿勢過久,脖子就會感到痠痛。 對於有人以頸部繞圓圈的方式,或習慣讓脖子歪一側,甚至發出「喀」一聲,他認為,這都是不健康的方式。 簡文仁說明,人體的頸椎是彼此推疊起來的,若以繞圓圈方式來紓解痠痛,也許初期有效,但「此舉就如 同一塊塊積木以三百六十度旋轉」,只會使得頸椎關節的周圍互相摩擦,一旦過度刺激,反而促成骨刺增生,提早造成頸關節老化。 至於刻意讓脖子歪一側,甚至發出「喀」的聲響,簡文仁表示,這種來自關節的聲音,有一說是關節腔囊內負壓現象,如 同開香檳時瞬間「啵」一聲,也有一說是關節旁←帶滑動的聲音。 但他強調,以非自然的方式來扭轉頸部,就像有些人閒來無事會按指頭關節,事實上,它對骨頭和關節無異是一種刺激,「不值得鼓勵」。 另外,有人以為長時間埋首工作或讀書,在休息時以反方向的仰頭方式來緩解脖子痠痛,也是錯誤的作法。
簡文仁表示, 如果有人感到頸部痠痛,比較正確的紓解作法有三種,一是抬頭挺胸,縮下巴,則頸椎自然就拉直,一是輪流以頭部向左、向右側彎,以及低頭俯視的動作,三是聳聳肩的動作,這都可讓肩頸肌疏解。
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Wonders of Parsley
Another discovery through an email received :
Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments.
How are we going to do this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of Parsley and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination. Also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!
Amazing and a quick search on
do support above email , however there is health risk warning posted for its consumption to take note of:
Health risks:
Parsley should not be consumed as a drug or supplement by pregnant women. Parsley as an oil, root, leaf, or seed could lead to uterine stimulation and preterm labor.
Parsley is high (1.70% by mass) in oxalic acid, a compound involved in the formation of kidney stones and nutrient deficiencies.
Parsley oil contains furanocoumarins and psoralens which leads to extreme photosensitivity if used orally.
Parsley seeds contain a high level of oil and are a diuretic.
Hence, take care when consuming anything. Too much of anything is not good, moderation is always recommended.
Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments.
How are we going to do this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of Parsley and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination. Also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!
Amazing and a quick search on
do support above email , however there is health risk warning posted for its consumption to take note of:
Health risks:
Parsley should not be consumed as a drug or supplement by pregnant women. Parsley as an oil, root, leaf, or seed could lead to uterine stimulation and preterm labor.
Parsley is high (1.70% by mass) in oxalic acid, a compound involved in the formation of kidney stones and nutrient deficiencies.
Parsley oil contains furanocoumarins and psoralens which leads to extreme photosensitivity if used orally.
Parsley seeds contain a high level of oil and are a diuretic.
Hence, take care when consuming anything. Too much of anything is not good, moderation is always recommended.
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