Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Liang Huang Repentence Liturgy

It's time of my favourite No1 Puja for the year: at Qing Ming Festive period ~ 1st of Lunar March, PKFT holds their 4 days annual Liang Huang Repentance Liturgy 《梁皇宝忏.
As usual, posters on origin and meaning of puja event put up at the temple premises to let the devotees have a better idea of why & what they are participating. And this year, even in English for their increasing English-speaking devotees. :-)

Their altar setup and offerings are simple, non elaborative (yet Serene).
But the Sangha is committed with powerful voices and devotion.
Their chanting is fantastic! I really like their Authentic yet Lively rhythm adopted that aids one to enjoy the chanting of the meaningful Dharma text.

We are chanting in an non- air-conditioned place and the weather is hot in the afternoon, which we had to do numerous bows to the Buddha and Bodhisattva (I would reference it to doing "hot yoga exercise") but the lead chanters could do it quite effortlessly (while lack exercise/stamina me is always catching my breath and could only bow but not chant out loud simultaneously by the 2nd session). I really salute them...

The text is actually very meaningful, also extracted below a summary from梁皇宝忏

"此忏能够灾消吉至,罪灭福生。蒙弥勒菩萨梦中赐名为慈 梁皇宝忏悲道场。此忏法因始于梁武帝,故称为《梁皇宝忏》。拜忏时,由法师带领大众按照皈依,断疑,忏悔,解冤,礼佛,报恩,回向等忏仪形式,藉由共修,以提起大众虔诚忏悔的正念,并时时返观自照,让身心在忏悔中破除心碍,获得清凉。后世高僧去繁取要,改集为十卷。
  愿你道心坚固 逢凶化吉 一起勇猛精进
  愿一切所求皆得圆满 愿一切灾难退散"

Well, the benefit for the living, it's improved well-beings,
for the deceased, it's direction to better rebirth, and/or to Pureland of Amituofo! :-)

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