Sunday, April 27, 2014

DDS Outdoor Meditation Retreat 户外禅一

Finally, Dharma Drum Singapore organised their One day Outdoor Meditation Retreat again at Labrador Nature Reserve!

It was Thunderstorms in most parts of Singapore before 7am on the event day 27 April 2014 and we were all kind of worried but luckily the rain stopped in time.
When we gathered by 8.30am at Labrador Park MRT, we had a cooling walk to the Park.

Starting with the 8 meditative movements of DDM, we warmed up and I am certainly glad to be back to the same old spot years later under the wonderful shades of the trees.
It made me realise how much gratitude the Buddha must have had for the Bodhi tree which sheltered Him till Enlightenment.

In harmony with the nature orchestra such as sounds of insects, birds, sea waves, tree leaves swaying, as well as sound of passing boats and voices of other users of the park...  
Lowering my eyes, I relaxed my eyes with the greenery...
Levelling my eyes, I relaxed my eyes with scenes of vast ocean and sky.
Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the sunshine and breeze...
The relaxation nature closeness made it a perfect spot for meditation techniques such as Sound and Objectless meditation learnt in recent years.

Invading into the territories of the insects, especially the ants, I helped some of them took refuge in the Triple Gem and endured their bites.
Oh a small toad was also refuged.:-)

Tested my skill of Amitabha Buddha chanting with steps of water bowl exercise...

A relaxing day!
Thank you to all the volunteers and protectors! _/|\_


Sunny said...


Sunny said...

Essence of Meditation featured in this documentary:


~ 继程师父 fb
