Sunday, February 25, 2018

Game of Ball & Life!!!

There is always something to learn about life from my favourite ball game.
I am glad to be able to pick up the skill again after a few bounces.
I should play it more often...
Life experiences can be seen in a game....
It's like meditation experience too...
Knowing when to stop is crucial...
One could also chant with each bounce...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

More Inspiring Prayers!!!

Visit to my favourite Vajrayana chanting centre and paying respect to my chanting teacher though he may not have known me in person...:-p
Learnt new inspiring prayers and mantras...
Good reminders on our motivation and aspiration bodhicitta to begin our practice.

Supplications to the Seven Taras 
In the unborn Dharmadhatu abides the Reverend Mother, the deity Tara.
She bestows happiness on all sentient beings. 
I request her to protect me from all fears.

Through not understanding oneself as dharmakaya, one's mind is overpowered by the kleshas.
Our mothers, sentient beings, wander in samsara. Please protect them, Deity Mother.

If the meaning of Dharma is not born in one's heart, one just follow the words of conventional meaning.
Some are deceived by dogma. Please protect them, Perfect Mother.

It's difficult to realise one's mind. Some realise, but do not practice.
Their minds wander to worldly activities. Please protect them, Deity Mother of Recollection.

Non-dual wisdom is the self-born mind. No matter what they do, some are bound by the habits of grasping as duality. Please protect them, Deity of non-dual Wisdom. 

Although some abide in the perfect meaning, they don't realise the interdependence of cause and effect.
They are ignorant of the meaning of objects of knowledge. Please protect them, Omniscient Deity Mother.

The nature of space is free from boundaries. Nothing is different from that. 
Still, practitioners and disciples don't realise this. Please protect them, Perfect Buddha Mother.

Once when Lord Jigten Sumgon was staying at Echung cave, having attained Buddhahood, he had a vision of the Seven Taras. At that time he made this supplication prayer. This prayer has manifold magnificent blessings.

My 1st encounter with this prayer. _/|\_