Thursday, August 22, 2019

Garchen Rinpoche - Beloved Bodhisattva yeye!

I realised that all these great Bodhisattva readily happily take pictures with devotees as they know the photos will be future continuation of connection with them. If you feel lost at some point in time and you look at pictures taken with them, you will feel quite comforted you can supplicate to them. 💖🙏

He did not give up on his HK devotees but earnestly do a video transmission from Taiwan due to a strike in HK airport that caused him and his entourage to detour to Taiwan.
Oh compassionate Rinpoche you are indeed a great Bodhisattva.
When I had a chance to meet you close and requested you to bless my family members who are not well via my hp screen, though in urgency I forgot and speak in English instead of  Mandarin, you understood and immediately applied your holy balm and blessed their pictures one by one and with a final touch on my nose, knowing I needed blessings too.
When we requested to take photo with you, you readily embraced us and chanted blessings at same time.💖🙏🙏🙏💖
Oh Garchen Rinpoche, to me, you are really an ambassador sent by Amituofo to show us examples of living Bodhisattvas in this samsara! 🙏🙏🙏