Saturday, April 30, 2011


Some Snapshots of Vesak@Orchard 2011 (VESAK 2555 CELEBRATION!)

Serene Buddha with beautiful water pond surrounded by flower offerings

Simpler Theme decoration this year: "Universal Love Peaceful Living" and Fun Artwork corners for children...

And Not to forget to bring a recycled bag to bring back Gems at the Free Dharma Books/CDs/DVDs distribution corner located just outside the hugh tent (right corner facing the road) :-)

The popular bilingual magazine "awaken" by kmspks (May-Aug2011 issue) is out just in time. The English section's topics on Loving-kindness is just what I need as reminder for practice in face of many recent unhappy events at work. ;-P
And the article to ponder on pg 57, "Why Do You Go To Work Everyday?" is really a good article for reflection.
Do get a copy when you are there...

From 30 April 2011 9am-9.30pm, 1 May 2011 9am-5pm
Universal Love Peaceful Living

Snapshots of past years' Vesak @ Orchard:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Teaching of Great Master Yin Guang

Email extraction from
[Amituofo] 29.04.11 : A Teaching of Great Master Yin Guang
Very meaningful, some goals to work towards:

A Teaching of Great Master Yin Guang
Whether one is a layperson or has left the home-life, one should respect elders and be harmonious to those surrounding him.

One should endure what others cannot, and practice what others cannot achieve.

One should take others' difficulties unto oneself and help them succeed in their undertakings.

While sitting quietly, one should often reflect upon one's own faults, and when chatting with friends, one should not discuss the rights and wrongs of others.

In every action one makes, whether dressing or eating, from dawn to dusk and dusk till dawn, one should not cease to recite the Buddha's name.

Aside from Buddha recitation, whether reciting quietly or silently, one should not give rise to other improper thoughts. If wandering thoughts appear, one should immediately dismiss them.

Constantly maintain a humble and repentful heart; even if one has upheld true cultivation, one should still feel one's practice is shallow and never boast.

One should mind one's own business and not the business of others.

Only look to the good examples of others instead of bad ones.

One should see oneself as mundane and everyone else as Bodhisattvas.

If one can cultivate according to these teachings, one is sure to reach the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.


无论在家出家 必须上敬下和
忍人所不能忍 行人所不能行
代人之劳 成人之美
静坐常思己过 闲谈莫论人非

行住坐卧 穿衣吃饭
从朝至暮 从暮至朝
一句佛号 不令间断
或小声念 或默念 除念佛外 不起别念
若或妄念一起 当下就要教他消灭

常生惭愧心及忏悔心 纵有修持
总觉我功夫很浅 不自矜夸
只看好样子 不看坏样子
看一切人都是菩萨 唯我一人实是凡夫
果能依我所说修行 决定可生西方极乐世界!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Fire of Anger

It had been a series of recent events that led me to be aware of my imperfection.

Stressed by existing load of work and frustrated over the quality of services and support provided by counterparts, I too flared up and lost my patience. Now, I understand the sayings that the "the fire of anger can burn away the forest of merit". I think being in the project over the past few months, the harsh tone that I started to pick up would have created enough negative karmic links to burn away my whatever minor pool of merits if any.:-((

By having to display anger to get things done over a series of dissatisfactory events had caused me to unmindfully develop the habit of not controlling my anger and words, and quick earning a new reputation as a quick-tempered person.

As I start to become aware that it is not right way in the long run and wondering how to handle it, the weekly Dharma class again offers wise advice.

Venerable touched on the cause of emotions:

6 senses bases --> contact --> feeling --> craving

Desire arises from thinking. We think because we have perception.
Perception recognizes things as the 6 senses come into contact with external world.
Feeling is an aggregate with no karma. Feeling can be pleasant or unpleasant or no pleasant or unpleasant.
With Mental formation of anger or unhappiness then karma arises.
Being uninstructed, we react to situation via our senses.

Why do I get angry?
I had developed an expectation level on how things should be done developed from past similar project handling experience. And when one has a basis to compare past & now and when the present did not meet the expectation formed, together with additional time and effort required that added further to existing stressful workload, that resulted in anger being developed. In comparison, one without the previous experience could accept the current situation better without comparison.

The Buddha sees and He knows but He does not react with feeling.
There is perception but craving does not arise. Why not affected by perception?
He is completely eradicated of all underlying tendency.

Sigh, actually the Counterparts also have to cope with normal operations on top of handling the projects just like us and they too do not have the resources hence keep pushing the responsibilty to us. Hence, Whose fault? Maybe the management for not willing to employ more resources? Why do I have to take on so personally on the project? Too much "I" involved...

Only the weekly Dharma classes always have some wise tips to offer to cool me down and remind me on practice.
Amituofo, May I develop more wisdom & compassion in handling life. Amituofo...

(Pardon is sought for any misinterpretation/misunderstanding of Teachings)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Right Postures to maintain while using Computers

More tips:-)
Nice Animation to teach you Right Postures! :-)

癌細胞怕熱 白湯排毒法

More Health tips from email :-)
癌細胞怕熱 Cancer Cells are afraid of Heat!
最近我看了數本日本石原結實醫師寫的書,書中常提及「癌細胞怕熱」的觀念,覺得蠻有意思的,把它記下來跟大家分享,也算是我的讀書筆記。 石原 醫師認為,現在醫學已非常進步,醫師也愈來愈多,癌症卻依然有增無減,其中一個很大的因素,就是現代人普遍體溫低下, 因人體體溫降至35度時,正是癌細胞最活躍繁殖的時候,

19世紀時,德國有位布許(Busch)醫師,發表多例自然治癒的癌症,也就是有罹癌病人,分別得到肺炎和丹毒(一種皮膚感染症)等疾病,連續發高燒1-2星期,沒想到意外治好癌症。 此外, 1900年美國紐約市立醫院的科萊醫師,同樣發表有癌症病人因肺炎和丹毒引起持續高燒後,治癒癌症的實例。 換句話說,西洋醫學也已明白癌細胞很怕高溫。

癌症是一種從頭到腳都有可能發病的疾病,但心臟、脾臟、小腸(十二指腸)是發生癌症機率較小的器官。 那是因為心臟雖只有體重的1/200,卻負責提供1/9的體溫; 脾臟則是紅血球集中的地方(※註:脾臟的功能係破壞老舊的紅血球,將紅血球的血紅素與鐵分離,被分離的鐵可再度被吸收到血液中),同樣屬於高溫器官;而小腸要負責消化,必須經常活動,自然會比較溫熱,從這些事實可知,癌症並不容易發生在溫度高的器官上。

人體容易罹癌的器官如食道、肺、胃、大腸、直腸、卵巢、子宮………等都是中間呈空洞的器官,有空洞的器官,細胞會比較少,體溫也比較容易下降,所以比較容易罹癌; 至於乳房因突出身體外面,也是溫度比較低的器官,故乳癌發生率也較高。 一般而言,癌症是因免疫力下降而形成,當然與血液有關連,也可以說它的發生與血液循環不佳有密切關係。
東洋醫學認為「萬病之源來自髒血」,所以,身體為了燃燒並排出體內的廢物,讓血液變乾淨,才會出現發燒的反應。 就某個層面來說,發燒其實能提高免疫力,而免疫力就是白血球的運作能力,實際上只要體溫上升1度,免疫力就能提高5-6倍。 一旦身體冰冷,血液循環會變差,體內細胞的代謝也會變差,體溫每下降1度,代謝就會減少約12%,免疫力也會降低30%。

現代人體溫低下的原因 人體平靜時的體溫約有1/4來自肌肉,但現代人卻不像從前的人一樣常走路,也沒有以前的人勤快,開始用機器來取代雙手打掃和洗衣,這種運動不足的的結果,就是體溫降低的ㄧ大原因。 加上現代人常見壓力問題,壓力一大,腎上腺就會分泌腎上腺素,使血管收縮,造成血液循環不良,長期持續下去,自然會讓體溫降低。 一到夏天多數人會整天躲在冷氣房裡,及平常攝取過多造成體質寒涼的食物,都是造成體溫低下的原因。

高體溫的方法 不只是癌症,要同時預防罹患生活習慣病(包含高血脂、高血壓、高血糖、高尿酸等病症),一定要設法提高體溫,其方法如下:
運動-肌肉約佔全身體重的45%,是人體最大的器官,所以只要運動,肌肉所產出的熱量就會愈大,甚至達到體溫的一半。 體溫上升有助於促進新陳代謝,白血球的運作也會活躍,運動過後身體會覺得很輕,就連心情都覺得舒爽,主因就是體溫上升,促使體內的廢物和血液中的多餘養分被燃燒,甚至被轉換成汗水和尿液排出,以及透過吐氣被排出,等於在體內做ㄧ次大掃除。 要解忙碌現代人運動不足的煩惱,最簡單的方式就是「走路」。

泡澡-日常生活中最簡單又有效的溫熱身體方法,就是泡澡。 採用全身泡在浴缸的入浴法,使水溫幫助擴張血管,促進血液循環,使得內臟和肌肉得以補充到氧氣和養分,進而促使腎臟和肺排出廢物。 此外,流體靜力平衡(或稱靜水壓平衡)具有讓肌肉緊實的效果,且這種流體靜力平衡會壓迫血管和淋巴管,促進血液和淋巴液的循環,讓全身代謝跟著活躍起來,尤其位在下半身的腎臟血流也會變好,自然會增加排尿量,改善水毒狀況,進而除去水腫和冰冷現象。

食用溫熱食物-石原醫師鼓勵大家,平常應食用可溫熱身體的食物如乳酪、蕎麥麵、黑麵包、糙米、根莖類蔬菜、海藻、薑、蒜、蔥、味噌、蘋果、櫻桃、葡萄、黑糖、紅茶………等。 想要讓身體溫熱的快速方法,就是喝生薑紅茶
生薑最大的功效就是溫熱身體,而住在寒冷地區的歐洲人習慣喝紅茶,藉以溫熱身體,如將紅茶加入生薑,就能發揮更大的效果,使身體熱起來。 中藥的古籍就記載著「生薑能去百邪」, 16世紀時,英國爆發黑死病大流行,至少有1/3的倫敦市民因而喪命,卻意外發現平時常吃生薑的人,都倖存下來,因此,當時的英王亨利八世,大力提倡多吃生薑,現在英國坊間到處可見的薑餅,就是當時留下來的深刻影響。
2006年密西根大學綜合癌症中心研究人員,在美國癌症學會上發表「將市面上販售的生薑粉泡開後,投入培養中的卵巢癌細胞裡,結果癌細胞全死了,足見發生了細胞凋亡與細胞自噬的作用」,雖然這項實驗所用的癌細胞是「卵巢癌細胞」,但相信這個實驗對所有癌細胞都具有同樣效果。 看了 石原 醫師的書,才知人體發燒正是自體提升免疫力的機制,更重要的是體溫達到39.6度以上,可以熱死癌細胞。 我常在想,要是我開刀前也能發燒,癌症也許就不藥而癒,就可少挨那一刀,也免受化療之苦。

前一陣子,有家人感冒發燒了,我特地恭喜他自體悶燒,大概把不少體內癌細胞給熱斃了! 自從罹癌後,有很多人告訴我,這不能吃,那不能吃,讓我很困擾我該吃什麼呢? 但現在的我肯定會把以前不愛吃的蔥、薑、蒜,統統吞下肚,希望藉此提升自己的免疫力,達到自癒的效果。

白湯排毒法 一天五杯熱水,完全排毒! 現在日本的藝能界流行一種“白湯”排毒法! 日文的“湯”就是熱水, 而“白湯”就是什麼都不加的熱水! 這種療法源自於印度的阿育吠陀(Aa yu rveda) , 藉由喝溫熱的水讓身體熱起來, 達到和用芝麻油按摩讓身體熱起來同樣的效果! 由於實行起來非常簡單,每個人都做得到, 也不用花錢, 因此由藝人千葉麗子推薦之後, 許多藝人紛紛仿效, 成為一股風潮!

1.促進新陳代謝 喝熱水不僅能夠刺激腸胃蠕動, 也能促進腎臟肝臟等器官的活動! 維持擔任排毒重責大任的器官的活性, 讓血液能夠更輕鬆的運輸氧氣與養分到全身, 促進新陳代謝!

2.調整味覺 開始喝熱水,會感覺到溫水的甜味! 慢慢的你會對於食物的味道越來越敏銳! 稍微吃一點就會有吃了東西的實感, 進而避免暴飲暴食!

3.排出毒素 熱水能夠溫暖內臟器官, 促進消化,讓囤積在體內的毒素排出體外! 利尿作用之外,因為體內水分的調節, 更能夠改善便秘! 此外也能加速排汗, 達到良好的排毒效果!

4.賦予滿腹保足感 和一般的水比起來, 喝熱水需要花時間一口一口慢慢喝, 因此更能夠獲得滿腹感! 在吃飯的時候搭配食物一起喝, 更能夠增加飽足感!

5.幫助消化 經常暴飲暴食會影響消化, 並讓無法消化的食物開始囤積在體內! 熱水可以刺激胃的蠕動,幫助消化, 並幫助囤積的老廢物質順勢排出!

6.沉澱心情 除了身體機能的調整之外, 喝熱水也具有精神層面排毒的功效! 慢慢的喝杯熱水, 能夠緩衝一下忙碌的工作, 消除壓力, 讓你神清氣爽! 根據阿育吠陀(Aa yu rveda)的說法, 影響人類身體與精神健康的元素可以從風,火,水三種元素來看!
夏天經常吹冷氣,吃冰的東西,內外夾攻, 這時候喝熱水就是一種均衡的消化劑! 雖然喝熱水排毒非常簡單, 但也不是隨便喝喝就能達到最好的效果喔!

1.早上起床喝一杯熱水 早上起床喝一馬克杯的熱水, 水溫在不要燙口,能夠順順喝下的溫度最好! 能夠溫熱內臟器官, 溶解體內的老廢物質,加速排出! 讓一天有個神清氣爽的開始!

2.一天喝1.2~ 1.5公升的熱水 任何東西過量都不好! 雖然喝熱水沒有副作用, 但是以為這樣而狂飲的話, 反而會造成多餘的水分在體內囤積, 新陳代謝惡化,成為寒冷體質, 進而容易肥胖! 一天1.2~ 1.5公升的量最適中!

3.一次一點點慢慢喝, 不要牛飲 不要在渴的時候咕嘟咕嘟狂飲, 最好是每次半杯小口小口慢慢喝! 1~2個小時喝一杯左右的量! 不要燙口的熱水, 溫熱就可以了!

4.入浴後水分補給 洗完澡後, 喝一杯溫水(和體溫差不多的溫水), 補充流失的水分!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lemon kills Big-C cells

Another Natural Healing Wonder received via Email:-)
"Just cut 2-3 thin slices of lemon in a cup/container and add drinking water will become "alkaline water", drink for the whole day, just by adding drinking water. Take it as drinking water everyday is good for everybody. "

"Lemon's really good, when I had sore-throat or cough, just taking the juice of one lemon mixed in a little water improved my throat condition...within an hour or so!!!"


This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer! Read carefully & you be the judge Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells.
It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.
Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits.

You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy.
How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations?

As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc...
It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types.
Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that:
It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ... The compounds of this tree is effective in slowing the growth of cancer cells... And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.

~Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Charles Street Baltimore , MD 1201.