Sunday, August 26, 2012

Clearing Myths about Seventh Lunar Month

What I like about attending the puja at PKFT is their creativeness in using interesting posters to explain the origin of the event and how we should go about doing it.
Let's see what they had prepared for this year's Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Puja.
The Sangha comprises of a group of new generation Venerables who are IT-savy but stay low profile in using internet to promote their temple. You could feel their passion in promoting Dharma if you had ever attended their classes or Dharma talks. You could feel the positive energy generated if you had ever attended their puja.
May they continue to spread the Dharma without obstacles,
May we  continue to have a good venue to practise the Dharma under their guidance...
ps. There is an article introducing the history of PKFT in the Oct2012 Issue of For You Buddhist magazine (pg8&9)

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