Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mantra on Good Memory & Wisdom and how to Dedicate Merits

In answering one of the Q&As in the Monday session, Venerable Hai Tao recommended reciting two powerful Mantra which after researching on internet, summarised below to share with more:

A) To aid one improve memory:
Mantra of Akasagarbha Bodhisattva 虚空藏菩萨咒 :




ā mǐ,luó shé pí。qián fú suō shé pí。
yē pó nài shé pí。bó cè,suō mí。
bō zhà luó shé pí。tā nài pó luó pí。
sà duō luó jiā luó ní。xiū mó xiū mó。
mó hē,qié lóu ní jiā。suō pó hē。
(pronunciation in blue amended from extraction with advice confirmation by a Ven. to follow a printed copy)

~extract from http://wapbaike.baidu.com/view/1704265.htm?uid=AD9F208240D420CDD40FC04A354DB248&bd_page_type=1&st=3&step=1&net=3&ldr=2

Method recommended from http://wk.baidu.com/view/c7635a2e453610661ed9f447#page/1/1372693619657
【持咒方法】早晨醒來吃早餐前,最好九點以前,拿一杯溫開水置於桌上: (雙手合十)


B) To aid one enhance Wisdom:
Mantra of Manjusri Bodhisattva 文殊菩萨心咒

梵文:Om Ara Pa Ca Na Dhih
藏文:Om Ara Pa Za Na Di

嗡啊惹 巴扎纳德。
嗡阿喇 巴札那谛。

~extracted from http://wapbaike.baidu.com/view/2561092.htm?adapt=1&


In addition, he recommended before dedication of merits,
we first rejoice in the merits of all Buddhas & Bodhisattvas 随喜诸佛菩萨功德, then their great merits together with our small merits we dedicate to all sentient beings, our 祖先 ancestors, our 冤亲债主 karmic-debtors,and all those beings who suffer similar misfortune as who we are specifically dedicating for or what we are suffering from.
In this way, with the great merits of the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas, then we do not have to worry that our small merits have not much dedication effect.

Venerable greatly  advocates on Generosity on charity and life liberation, Filial Piety, Rejoicing on merits of others and generating Bodhicitta.
His compassion on all beings, especially on the lower 3 realms is touching and his repeated emphasis for all devotees to join him in the practice of Compassion and Buddhism somehow revoked my fading compassion and enthusiasm.

Rejoice on All and his merits...

Pardon is sought for any incorrect interpretation of above if any...
Amituofo   _/|\_

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