Saturday, October 4, 2014

No one is Insignificant!

Love this story

"I have a story about this; I hope you do not find it too earthy.
As this story goes, there was a meeting of all the important parts of the body. The purpose of the meeting was to determine which part was the most important. All the body's bigwigs were invited: the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, intestines, the bones - basically, everybody who was anybody.
But they didn't invite the anus to their meeting. When he realized that he had been left out of this council of all the body parts, he took it very personally. How could they deny he was part of their team? Deeply offended, he decided to go on strike.
Oh, how the rest of the parts suffered when all the traffic got blocked! They no longer felt so high and mighty. The other parts of the body all had to come begging the anus's forgiveness, asking him to join the meeting and resume his very important activities. When the meeting resumed, lo and behold, they voted unanimously in favor of the anus as the most important. So, no matter what people think: no one is insignificant.

There is no hierarchy in a body. All the parts are mutually dependent and mutually supportive. Likewise, we human beings are all parts of the same body. Just because we do not wish to acknowledge another person's importance does not mean that this person is unimportant to our well-being. Just because we do not wish to acknowledge what we share with others does not mean that we can separate ourselves from them. Interdependence is an inescapable truth of our existence.

Of course, we are not all identical. Because certain differences does exist between us, we all have something to offer each other. We can work together making our diverse and complementary contributions. Because we are all part of the same social body, it is in our own best interest to assure that we can all function well together."

The Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, "The Heart Is Noble, Changing the World from the Inside Out", pp 82-83.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Great bilingual article on
Practice of Compassion towards those who harm us by Karmapa 🙏
大寶法王開示|對傷害我們的人修持慈悲 🙏