Finally, I get to see him live in person...
Some extracts of the talk...
Do you want to know what is it that we cannot change?
It's getting old...But we can change our mind...It's in our hand....
We cannot change our wrinkles, perhaps short term via botox but how we react to old age can change.
Eg of parking cars near carpark to gym and happily exercising on the treadmead verus walking in the open...
Pain in foot therapy...Chilli...
Whenever we face problems,, we tend to think the current situation is the worst in the world, but it is generally us making a mountain out of a mole.
Our belief system: everything depends on external, main cause is in our mind.
Know your own mind, the essence , quality of your mind.
Don't look for external situation, Real Peace is in your mind.
Main problem is how to react to panic, not panic itself.
STretch your hand, touch your head, feel the warmth, the weight/pressure.
Watch TV & river...
Never try never fail
Durian meditation
Peaceful/clarity are just experience of meditation, but not the essence.
We all have problem but don't give up or exaggerate problem from 1% to 100%.
Think & Talk Positively.
1) Turn our mind inward for Peace
2) To find Peace via Meditation: Awareness of Body and Sound Meditation were taught
3) We all have Basic Goodness~ Appreciate your life, your breath.
Meditate Anywhere any time.
We should have the motivation to take the Vajrasattva empowerment for all beings.
We are representing all beings to receive the empowerment. _/|\_
The practice encompass
1) Samatha meditation ~ concentration
2) Vipassana meditation ~insight, emptiness
(Vajrasattva form is empty yet appear as form)
3) Bodhicitta ~ to benefit all beings
4) Recognize our true Enlightened quality nature ~ imagine one is the Enlightened being, imagine one as part of boundless wisdom & compassion
5) Benefit of purification of bad karma and accumulation of merits
Hmm, words written cannot be better than in presence of Rinpoche's live teaching with his own style of presentation that puts the ideas across...
I had thought watching his recordings is good but Live in person is even superb....
May more be able to attend his teachings and benefit from them without obstacles. _/|\_
The way he taught at the Vajrasattva empowerment is refreshing which is pity that there is no recording to revise.
Strongly encourage all to attend in person for his talks and retreats. _/|\_