Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Empowerment , Commitment & Samaya

Question: If we have taken different empowerments of different deities and there are commitments to recite a certain number of their mantra, if we miss out any of them, would it be the same if we in our mind know that there is actually no difference in reciting any of them? Or is it compulsory that we have to recite each and every one of them?

Garchen Rinpoche Answered: "Even though you have received many empowerments, if you understand the nature of the deity, you understand that it is sufficient to only practice a single deity. By practicing a single deity genuinely, you are accomplishing the essence of all deities. 
In fact, it is better to focus on the practice of just one deity, because then it will be easier to habituate to the deity to the point where you will not forget about the deity. To accomplish the deity means to never forget about the deity, it means that the deity always remains in your mind, it never separates from you. As it is always in your mind, you become the deity. 
If you never separate from the deity, you will also remember the deity in the Bardo after death, upon which you will attain enlightenment into the samboghakaya form of the deity. 
Sometimes people worry about receiving too many empowerments because they think that they cannot keep all the samayas. Actually if you practice the root samaya of love, compassion and mindfulness, you are keeping all samayas of all deities, even if you only recite the mantra of one deity. In order to understand this you must understand the essence of the deity. If you think that the deities are all separate, there will be a conflict. Actually the power of one wisdom deity is contained within all deities. 
Various deities appear in order to suit the various thoughts and inclinations of sentient beings, but actually their nature is one and the same. The nature of all deities is bodhichitta. Therefore, if you practice bodhichitta and mindfulness, and only recite the mantra of one deity, you are keeping all your samayas. If you do not practice bodhichitta and mindfulness, no matter how many different mantras you recite, you are not keeping your samayas
That is because bodhichitta is the very life-energy of the deity. Without bodhichitta the deity is like a dead body. However, it is necessary to practice at least one deity on a daily basis. 
In the various empowerment texts it is mentioned in the section of repeating the samaya that one must recite the mantra of that deity, but this must be mentioned in each sadhana because in old days the masters would only receive this one empowerment and then practice this for the rest of their lives. For this reason it must be mentioned in each empowerment text. But for us, since we receive so many empowerments nowadays, it is crucial to understand the meaning and essence of the empowerment: It is said: "In the expanse of primordial wisdom, all the Buddhas are one."


(Text source:
Picture source: Internet)


Sunny said...

★ 噶千仁波切「實修二日禪」影片及開示電子檔
★ 做好禪修的標誌,是內心無有煩惱
「二日禪」有大量的法友提問,仁波切均悉心給予開示,部分問答已經整理發佈於官網「如是我聞‧ 噶千問答」,欲先賭為快,請下載開示電子檔。

◎ 觀賞「實修二日禪」影片(中文字幕):
◎ 下載「實修二日禪」開示電子檔:https://goo.gl/nWGxLm


Sunny said...

In the generation stage yoga we are training to purify the physical propensities. How do we do this training? 

First we should understand that it is not based on the body. The training is based on the mind and the nature of the mind is like space.
We can give an example of a mirror. If there is nothing placed before it then there is no reflection. If something is placed before it, it is clearly reflected. So whatever is placed before the mirror clearly appears. This is an example of the mind.
Whatever it is that we recall, whatever deities form we recall, that is the form in which we will manifest. So when we engage the generation stage yoga gradually meditating on the color of the deity,… 


Sunny said...

Usually at the dissolution stage, the deity dissolves into light and is absorbed into ourselves through the top of our crown, we thus become the deity.

Reflecting , we should then think and act like the accomplished enlightened deity.
So no fear in anything as long as with pure motivation, may we also demonstrate great wisdom and great compassion in what we do.
Amituofo _/|\_

Sunny said...

★ ★ 9/20 弟子晉見 噶千仁波切-幾則仁波切對法友的慈示
★ 把心量放寬,不要想著自己在受苦,眾生都在受苦
… More...

Sunny said...

Responsibility for Our Condition and The Power of Mind

This (calm abiding) meditation, in one way, is so very easy. It doesn’t cost anything. You just need to remain aware, keep mindfulness, and relax. Your mind is within you.
You don’t have to get your mind from somewhere else.
It is in the palm of your hand.
It is with you always, twenty-four hours a day. So it is very easy.
There are no difficulties if we know how to handle things, if we know how to practice this.
But at the same time if we don’t know this, this “not knowing” becomes one of the most complex, most difficult occurrences. It brings along, invited all the suffering and the causes of suffering. So because of that, just meditate. First see how it is easy.
“Why do I make it so difficult? I am the one who is making this difficulty, no one else. Nobody else is doing this to me and no one else is causing this difficulty, no one else. Nobody else is doing this to me and no one else is causing this difficulty. I am doing this. Why am I doing this?”
So meditate on the emptiness, impermanence, suffering of samsara, and suffering of the six realms.
--- H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

Sunny said...

The stronger our ego-grasping, the less we are able to care to care for others. All that the Buddha taught in the three vehicles, the Pratimoksha-Bodhisattva- and Vajrayana-vehicles, is a method to give rise to bodhicitta. These methods must be put into practice and then you must persevere in practice, but you cannot expect immediate results. Your practice is for the sake of many future lifetimes.

The Buddha said, "If you would like to know where you will go next, look at your present actions." You will only be able to practice the true dharma if you trust in karma, cause and effect, and understand the preciousness of patience forbearance and love. If you do not have this as a basis, all other practice will bear not meaningful results.
-Part of Gar Quote 37

Sunny said...



金剛乘的見地非常難以了悟。 由於金剛乘的見地似乎模糊不


金剛乘的道路不感興趣。 這種想法理所當然,但實際上,金剛

乘的見地並不那麼隱晦或難以瞭解。 金剛乘解釋事物的本來面

貌。 舉例來說,想像有一條巨大的冰川,對於不了解金剛乘的

人會這麼想:「這是一座冰山。 」瞭解金剛乘的人則想:「它

的外表是座冰山,但本質其實是水。 它不會一直都是座冰山,

一旦融化了就會成為水。 」只要瞭解這個法則,就可以瞭解金

剛乘的見地。 金剛乘說,雖然有六道的顯現,但這顯現是暫時

的。 在實相上,所有的有情眾生都具有佛性,也就是都具有證



我。 念頭來來去去,變化不歇。 這一刻你生氣了,下一刻你又

去愛。 所有這些念頭都是刹那生滅,但(在念頭之外,)有一

個存在的基礎,有一個覺知始終在那兒。 它沒有來去,不曾改

變,始終如一。 它不死亦不生,有一個根本的永恆覺知。 過去

你從未與它分離,將來也不會,因為這就是真實的你。 當你見



Sunny said...
