Saturday, September 2, 2017

Constant Reminder on Art of Happiness

You will learn from this driver...worth watching.
Good illustration ! :-)

Change our habitual response to people with harsh personalities or people who have harmed us. We dislike them and feel they richly deserve any suffering that comes their way. This is an attitude we must replace with the awareness that this person should be the particular focus of your practice. It is easy to have compassion for someone we like or who has done us many good turns, but we need to train to extend our compassion well beyond that limited and easy target.

It is in fact a handy way to evaluate our level of compassion by observing our reaction when someone who has harmed us or who has a difficult personality encounters problems. In fact, it is important to look within to assess our level of compassion in those moments. As we engage in this process of training, it is important to be honest about our progress. We may find that for all our efforts, we just are not feeling genuine compassion towards someone who has harmed us, and we can say to ourselves, “I tried but my efforts did not work.”

There is no need to chastise ourselves if we fall short in our efforts, nor should we pretend to ourselves or others that what we are feeling is compassion, saying “Oh, how sad. Om mani padme hum.” We just take it as an indication of where we need to work further in our practice.
People with difficult personalities are exactly the same as good-natured people in terms of their yearning for happiness and wish to be free of suffering. Those with good or bad characters have the same potential to become awakened. If we could develop our compassion and wisdom to the point where it had the power to help those with difficult personalities to transform into people with good natures, that would truly be an exceptional and splendid practice of the Dharma.
While a person is harming us, we often forget that they also experience suffering and pain. In the case of someone who has engaged in serious and sustained activities aimed at harming us over a long period of time, it is not surprising if we find this difficult. But if we are practitioners in the Mahayana path, we must make a since effort to remember that they are suffering sentient beings and try to respect them and treat them well.
When someone harms us, it is a mistake for us as Dharma practitioners to give rise to aversion or other negative emotions towards them. If, on top of that, we forget that they too are suffering sentient beings but instead feel they are not worthy of our compassion, we are adding a second mistake to the first. We always have a reason to feel compassion for that person, and on some occasions we may feel they have given us also a reason to feel anger or hatred. It is up to us to choose which reason to make the basis of our action.

~ 法王噶瑪巴開示「快樂的藝術」Karmapa Teaches On the Art of Happiness, 22 November, 2014 – New Delhi




Extract from Mingyur Rinpoche's book: Joy of Living....

■ 聖嚴法師






Pema Chödrön tells the story of when, having hit rock bottom, she asked her teacher what to do.
I thought I would tell you this little story about Naropa University’s founder, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and my very first one-on-one interview with him. This interview occurred during the time when my life was completely falling apart, and I went there because I wanted to talk about the fact that I was feeling like such a failure and so raw.
But when I sat down in front of him, he said, “How is your meditation?”
I said, “Fine.”
And then we just started talking, superficial chatter, until he stood up and said, “It was very nice to meet you,” and started walking me to the door. In other words, the interview was over.
And so at that point, realizing the interview was over, I just blurted out my whole story:
My life is over.
I have hit the bottom.
I don’t know what to do.
Please help me.
And here is the advice Trungpa Rinpoche gave me. He said, “Well, it’s a lot like walking into the ocean, and a big wave comes and knocks you over. And you find yourself lying on the bottom with sand in your nose and in your mouth. And you are lying there, and you have a choice. You can either lie there, or you can stand up and start to keep walking out to sea.”
So, basically, you stand up, because the “lying there” choice equals dying.
Metaphorically lying there is what a lot of us choose to do at that point. But you can choose to stand up and start walking, and after a while another big wave comes and knocks you down.
You find yourself at the bottom of the ocean with sand in your nose and sand in your mouth, and again you have the choice to lie there or to stand up and start walking forward.
“So the waves keep coming,” he said. “And you keep cultivating your courage and bravery and sense of humor to relate to this situation of the waves, and you keep getting up and going forward.”
This was his advice to me.
Trungpa then said, “After a while, it will begin to seem to you that the waves are getting smaller and smaller. And they won’t knock you over anymore.”
That is good life advice.
It isn’t that the waves stop coming; it’s that because you train in holding the rawness of vulnerability in your heart, the waves just appear to be getting smaller and smaller, and they don’t knock you over anymore.
“Fail better” means you begin to have the ability to hold what I call “the rawness of vulnerability” in your heart.
So what I’m saying is: fail. Then fail again, and then maybe you start to work with some of the things I’m saying. And when it happens again, when things don’t work out, you fail better. In other words, you are able to work with the feeling of failure instead of shoving it under the rug, blaming it on somebody else, coming up with a negative self-image—all of those futile strategies.
“Fail better” means you begin to have the ability to hold what I call “the rawness of vulnerability” in your heart, and see it as your connection with other human beings and as a part of your humanness. Failing better means when these things happen in your life, they become a source of growth, a source of forward, a source of, “out of that place of rawness you can really communicate genuinely with other people.”
Your best qualities come out of that place because it’s unguarded and you’re not shielding yourself. Failing better means that failure becomes a rich and fertile ground instead of just another slap in the face. That’s why, in the Trungpa Rinpoche story that I shared, the waves that are knocking you down begin to appear smaller and have less and less of an ability to knock you over. And actually maybe it is the same wave, maybe it’s even a bigger wave than the one that hit last year, but it appears to you smaller because of your ability to swim with it or ride the wave.
And it isn’t that failure doesn’t still hurt. I mean, you lose people you love. All kinds of things happen that break your heart, but you can hold failure and loss as part of your human experience and that which connects you with other people.
Adapted from Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better: Wise Advice for Leaning into the Unknown by Pema Chodron. Copyright © 2015 by Pema Chodron. To be published by Sounds True in September 2015.


Sunny said...

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
The mind is like a stage magician, however. It can make us see things that aren’t really there.
Most of us are enthralled by the illusions our minds create, and we actually encourage ourselves to produce more and more outrageous fantasies.
The sheer drama becomes addictive, producing what some of my students call an “adrenaline rush” that makes us, or our problems, feel bigger than life – even when the situation that produces it is scary.
“The Joy of Living”
Pg 100

Sunny said...

~《世界上最快樂的人》 134頁~

Sunny said...

Quite a good read
... As Shantideva, author of Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, points out, suffering has a great deal to teach us. If we use the opportunity when it arises, suffering will motivate us to look for answers. ...more...

Sunny said...

One could easily get immersed into the flow of river verus watching at side of river during first week of new work environment.
Taking a Step back too in this circumstance is essential...
Per Mingyur Rpc JOL2 DVD teachings , all have this basic goodness but sometimes we forget about it per his example of initial drowning in Olympic sized pool then remembering subsequently of younger days of swimming experience and started to swim well.
We all have this basic goodness...need recall...

Sunny said...

譬如每 天都要吃飯、刷牙,有人覺得浪費時間;上班塞車,有人覺得浪費時間;看病排隊,也有人覺得很浪費時間──其實,只要你的心放在「現在正在做的這件事」上 面,就不算浪費生命。

— 法王鄔金欽列多傑課程:龍樹親友書

教授:第十七世大寶法王 鄔金欽列多傑
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 德噶寺

Sunny said...

And when we become weary, when we wonder if anything we say or do can possibly make a difference, if we can ever bring some light to the darkness, His Holiness reminds us:

"You keep going. That is the Bodhisattva's way. As long as it benefits even one being." 

Karmapa Chenno! every being, no matter their appearance or words or actions... if we can help just one of them... just one ...

Sunny said...







Sunny said...

Hee...We have to appreciate we always have ready practice subject unlike Master Atisha have to especially find one and keep him with him.☺

Sunny said...

May we have wisdom to handle adversity as advised..._/|\_

Sunny said...

Dealing with Difficult People:

"Do not think about things like that. There is no benefit in grasping and thinking about it. You have to let it go. Everything follows the law of karma naturally, there is nothing we can change about it by thinking about it much. If your family members treat you bad in this life, it is the result or karmic creditor of your own past actions. We are responsible for out own karma, we ourselves have created the causes for all our experiences. Enemies, obstructors, mischievous relatives, etc. are only conditions but not the cause. Moreover, the past is gone, it doesn't exist any longer, we cannot change the past, we have to let it go, so do not think about this.… More...

Sunny said...









所以我們應該採取勇敢的立場,使障礙不至於造成更進一步傷害。 當我們勇敢無懼時,沒有任何一種狀況能產生真正的傷害。雖然就相對而言確實有些負面的情況,但是負面情況本身並沒有如我們所想的具有如此嚴重的傷害性。因此我們必須在逆境來臨時就採取勇敢無畏的態度。











Sunny said...


菩薩有一種「逆行」的法門。 凡是打擊你、壓迫你、刺激你、欺負侮辱你的人,使你爬不起來的人,佛教都視為是「逆行的菩薩」。






Sunny said...








地點:印度/菩提迦耶 大祈願會場

Sunny said...

"37 Practices of Bodhisattva by Karmapa" 🙏

Sunny said...

Interdependence and emptiness show us that there are no fixed starting points.

We can start from nothing. Whatever we have, wherever we are — that is the place we can start from.

Many people have the idea that they lack what they need in order to start working toward their dreams.

They feel they do not have enough power, or they do not have enough money.
But they should know that any point is the right starting point.

This is the perspective that emptiness opens up. We can start from zero.

17th Karmapa
from the book "The Heart Is Noble: Changing the World from the Inside Out"