Saturday, September 30, 2017

What is Joy of Living Meditation?

Level 1: Calming the Mind
In the first level of the Joy of Living, Mingyur Rinpoche teaches how awareness meditation can be used to create a peaceful mind and joyful heart. Awareness meditation allows us to use any situation or experience, even difficult emotions and physical pain, as a gateway to inner peace.

In this level, you will learn:

How to rest in open awareness, a state of spacious and alert presence
How to use visual objects, sounds, tastes, and other sense objects as supports for awareness in meditation
How to transform your relationship to physical pain, difficult emotions, and destructive thought patterns using the practice of awareness meditation
How to deal with distractions and obstacles in meditation, such as excessive thought activity, sleepiness, and discouragement
How to start a daily meditation practice, including the correct meditation posture and the ideal length of a meditation session.

Level 2: Opening the Heart

In the second level of the Joy of Living, Mingyur Rinpoche teaches how meditating on love, compassion, joy and equanimity can open our hearts to the world around us and decrease the self-fixation that lies at the root of suffering.

In this level, you will learn:

How our tendency to fixate on our own wellbeing creates anxiety and suffering
How positive mental states like love and compassion erode the causes of dissatisfaction
How these positive mental states can be cultivated through meditation
How ordinary experiences, and even “negative” factors like difficult emotions and physical pain, can be transformed into sources of empathy and compassion using the practice of meditation

Level 3: Awakening Wisdom

In the third level of the Joy of Living, Mingyur Rinpoche offers guidance on the practice of insight meditation, a profound form of meditation that uproots the causes of anxiety and suffering.

In this level, you will learn:

How to use insight meditation to break through the distorted ideas that create confusion and suffering
How to see beyond superficial thoughts and emotions to the basic goodness that lies within
How our rigid beliefs about ourselves and the world around us keep us locked in a cycle of dissatisfaction and anxiety
How to see things as they actually are, rather than the mistaken version of reality that we project onto the world.


A) 「開心禪」課程目的
「開心禪」為所有信仰和背景的朋友們,提供禪修的訓練課程。 現代社會的節奏與多元,容易令人產生壓力。如何體認我們內心本具的平靜? 詠給‧明就仁波切以禪修為修學基礎,規劃適合21世紀的我們,修習的 「開心禪」課程,藉由循序漸進的學習與實修,期使「不同文化或宗教背景」的我們,都能得獲內在的平靜與喜悅。


B) 課程內容 :

i) 開心禪一階工作坊簡介 -- 「平靜你的心」

• 無所緣禪修:如何安住在開放的覺知中(開放地覺知當下的狀態)。
• 有所緣禪修:如何藉由運用視覺的對境、聲音、味道,以及其他感官的對境(色、聲、香、味、觸)等作為禪修的助緣,以專注在特定對境的覺知培養覺性。
• 情緒與疼痛禪修:如何運用「止」的禪修練習,轉化身體的疼痛、煩惱和破壞性的思維模式。
• 如何處理禪修時的干擾和障礙(例如過度的思考活動、睡意和沮喪)。
• 如何開始每日的禪修練習,包括正確的禪修姿勢、修習的時間長度、以及如何在行住坐臥中養成禪修的習慣。


ii) 開心禪二階工作坊簡介 -- 「打開你的心」

• 看見我執所造成的焦慮:我們追求自身的快樂,造成焦慮和痛苦。
• 以愛與慈悲消除不滿足:找出不滿足的成因,並以正面力量取代負向思考。
• 如何培養正向心智能力:如何藉著禪修,培養正面的心智狀態來待人處世。
• 將問題與困難轉化為慈悲:如何運用禪修練習,將煩惱、身體疼痛等「負面」因素,轉

課後練習: 50個小時座上練習。

iii) 開心禪三階工作坊簡介 -- 「喚醒智慧心」

• 如何運用「觀」洞察力的修持,破除產生迷惑和痛苦的扭曲想法。
• 如何超越表象的念頭和情緒,見到內在本具的基本良善。
• 超越對於自身和所處世界的僵化概念,跳出不滿足和焦慮的循環中。
• 如何清晰見到事物的實相,而不是以我們自心對這世界的認知所投射出的錯誤形 象。

課後練習: 75小時座上練習。


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