Monday, February 8, 2010

Lofty Peaks in Little Sayings - Part2

More quotes from Lofty Peaks in Little Sayings :

If you are not influenced by states when you are moving, then your movement is the same as stillness.
If you are not disturbed by idle thoughts when you are still, then your stillness is just like movement.
If you can cultivate to the point where movement and stillness are the same, then your skill is mature and there is neither movement nor stillness, neither emptiness nor existence.
That is the Middle Way.

Why is the world in such trouble?
It is because of fighting.
People have let their tiger-like tempers and fiery ignorance get the best of them.
People fight with each other, families feud with families, and on a greater scale,
nations battle with nations.
Such fighting will surely be the end of us.
But even when we die, we still will not have realized what happened.

Holding the precepts means watching for and correcting your own mistakes at all times.
It does not mean minding others' mistakes and not doing anything to correct your own.
That would be like doing other people's dirty laundry.

What is the Way?
It is just the truth.
The truth is such that no one can overturn it.
The truth is absolute, not relative.
There is only one truth, not two.
The Way is common to all true cultivators.
It can be explained in Confucianism, in Taoism and in Buddhism as well.
The Way is the Truth, and any religion can teach it.
When the Buddha became enlightened, he exclaimed in surprise at what he had discovered,
"How strange! How strange!
All living beings have the Buddha nature."


Anonymous said...

Hi, I found this blog very enlightening and wish to share with you and everyone reading your blog,can?


Sunny said...

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for liking the blog.
All sharing with good intent is welcome:-)
