Monday, February 24, 2014

Bodhgaya 2014

It is nice to be back to Home Sweet Home, Singapore, just in time for Chinese New Year. Yes I do miss Singapore after spending my New Year Eve & Day in Bodhgaya, the Buddhist Holy site.

It is my 3rd trip to India. The 1st 2 were packaged Pilgrim tours with Buddhist centres which we were so well-taken care of without worries. And this is my 1st Free & Easy trip to India amidst of a lot of negative feedbacks received on wanting to spend close to a month there. So it's like an achievement to be back safe & sound!

Bodhgaya, a Buddhist Holy site.
Non Buddhist friends ask why there again?
One friend who came back just before my departure from a pilgrim trip with PMT commented she don't know why people want to visit Bodhgaya till she personally been there. She understands now and will go back again if she could in future.

Many would have asked Why would Buddha want to choose to get enlightened at Bodhgaya, such a poor state with sorry sights of beggars on the street?

Answers received from practitioners;
1) Gaya is the centre of Universe (you may see Red lights radiate from the Stone statute at the Bodhi tree)

2) It is the Buddha's Great Compassion. If not for His Enlightenment there, there would not be economic benefits now with influx of tourists to help the state. Imagine the people who would be worse off without tourism there.
And the sorry sights on the way to the holy site actually is a good teaching to let one see the sufferings in life and be motivated to pursue on right path to ultimate happiness.

3) The beggars are spoilt by the foreigners and they may be rich "after work" with land and houses. You think they are suffering but they may be richer than you.

Main theme of this trip is to attend the Kagyu Monlam hosted by His Holiness, the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. 
It is an eye-opener. It is an International event with participants from all over the world. And also a closer contact with the Vajrayana (Tibetan) tradition.
Despite his own tiredness and discomfort, His Holiness still tried His best to meet all in public or private audience.
During Public Audience time, His Holiness stood up to facilitate the crowd to see Him as the "Throne seat" was placed just on sitting eye-level,
During Private Audience, I was so surprised to find Karmapa standing just in front of the audience hall, near the door to greet one and is swift to bless one and gives autographs for the books instead of sitting behind His "Throne seat".
He is compassionate to listen to tales of problems of the audience and give them blessings despite His own unwell. He meets hundreds of audience per day and inevitably His action has to be swift that before we can react to Thank Him, we were ushered out and next group moved in.
Actually our problems might be big to ourselves but minute in comparison to His own responsibilities. 
He has Hugh responsibility to lead as well if not better than His previous reincarnations. He is humble to always apologize for not knowing better for His young age.
The dust in Gaya was cleansed by showers after the Lama Dance on the 10th Jan.
Finally, we can walk in the open without face mask for a short while.
However, Hugh showers continued for next 2 days and revealed the poor development management in this important tourist state. Bricks and cement for improving the road near Monlam Pavilion were ordered by Karmapa (according to what we heard).
On 16th Jan, night of Marme Monlam, though it is a warmer nite, Karmapa sat on stage throughout the night since start of the evening concert without His cloak and at end sang the song on "Lamp Prayer".

He made efforts to give teachings and improve the status and education opportunities for nuns of  Karma Kamtsang.
The 1st debate for Kagyu tradition nuns:  Arya Kshema Winter Gathering for Nuns and gave teachings to them and the general public, promoting awareness and accomplishments of the nuns.

From the brief encounters with Him, I am impressed and fast becoming a 'fan' of His Holiness...😀🙏
Friends say He is good-looking, But I would think "Majestic" is a better word for him.
He is Charismatic despite sparing few smiles. (or so I thought during Monlam period )
He is compassionate, no fuss practical Noble Dharma Prince!!! 🙏🙏🙏

During the trip, we were also led by more experienced Vajrayana Buddhist friends to meet several great teachers or Rinpoches, especially the reincarnated Tulkus. My room-mate and I (who are newbies to the Tibetan tradition history despite attended a couple of the Tibetan chanting retreats) visited them without knowing how great they or their previous reincarnation were until later, so repent if we had not shown enough respect for them then. (One of them visited is reincarnation of Dilgo Rinpoche! It was later friend lent me the book "Brilliant Moon" for quick read then I know His accomplishments; Repent)

Accomplishments: Attended Kagyu Monlam for World peace, met Karmapa and various Rinpoches, received oral transmission for "Om Mani Padme Hum" and "Om Ami Dewa Hrih" from Karmapa!, made many butter lamp offerings, offered robes, 8 offerings (including a bell for better voice in future life) to the Buddha, participated in the flower offerings for the Tara and Stupas and circumbulated around the main shrine of Mahabodhi temple.
Oh also 3 days of 8 precepts! Surprisingly did not suffer as much hunger groans and discomfort as in Singapore. Friend said it is because of blessings in a holy place.:-)
Hopefully bad karma purified or neutralised.

Not to forget 1st encounter with Tibetan medicine ;-)
Similar to Chinese medicine treatment with pulse reading. 
Given herbal tea, cough pills n precious pill!  
To be Taken Half an hour Before breakfast,  After lunch n dinner.
The timing verus the sequence seems to be more crucial so if missed the lunch portion just skip and take Dinner portion later...
Precious pill at 4am. Warmth throughout the body within an hour. 
Well, really recovered within 10 days portion per predicted by the Tibetan doctor...
Just like Antibiotics, recommended to finish whole course medicine despite recovery before all consumed.
And tested my belief in Amitabha Buddha in helping me recover better just by simply chanting and praying to him.
Friends of Tibetan tradition will pray to H.H.Dalai Lama or Karmapa for help in times of distress instead of Buddha or Bodhisattva unlike our Chinese tradition. Interesting!
Knew more International friends such as Vi, from the Monlam retreat...

Memories of butter tea, bread and oat drinks served during tea-breaks of Monlam; Tibetan Then-Thuk (Mee Hoon Kuai), Tibetan Spring Roll at Om Café , Indian Fried Noodles, Bhutanese rice with creamy mushrooms...
Oh exciting rides on Trishaw & Tutu (Tricycles)...
Early wake up to queue for Monlam and early sleep before 12pm bec no entertainment. Healthy lifestyle... haha...
(Grateful especially to sis A & CH for such a Rejoice trip 💖🙏💖)

(sources of most pictures from internet...)


Sunny said...


Sunny said...


請問仁波切,法王噶瑪巴他的轉世,在他年紀很年輕時,比如說不到十歲、或是十多歲、或二十多歲時,和過去世時年紀很大時的他,證量是否相同? 是否此世的他需要修習很多年後,才能與前世的他證量到達相同?




因為我們現在是處於釋迦牟尼佛的時代,目前的佛陀是釋迦牟尼佛『賢劫第四佛』,而噶瑪巴在未來第六佛時,會在世間示現成佛【獅子吼佛或稱獅子佛】。 但噶瑪巴他認悟的境界已與佛陀是無二差別的,在現世,佛陀是釋迦牟尼佛,所以法王示現為等覺菩薩,但是他的證悟境界是與佛陀相同的。


從勝義諦來看,噶瑪巴早已圓滿證悟成佛,名賢遍南若佛(Shenphen Namrol)。在此賢劫中將是未來的第六佛,名成就獅子佛竹巴森給(Trukpa Senge)與釋迦牟尼佛無二無別。



Sunny said...

1st 8 min good documentary on Karmapa.
The Dialogue is worth watching too :-)

Sunny said...

The Black crown legend...

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*註:王維 《終南別業》


Sunny said...

釋迦牟尼佛曾說過 :「我圓寂二千年後,佛法將流傳至紅臉民族的國土……當智慧和善業逐漸從這地區消失時,獅子吼菩薩的化身,名噶瑪巴者將會出現。通過他的證悟能力,他將廣弘佛法和普度有情。不論是誰,只要能目睹,耳聞,手觸或思念他,將會被領導至和平的境界」。

「Towo Namgya Barway dolle Tantra 密續」裡,佛曾預言一位名為噶瑪巴,將現身世間,他具有極殊勝的功德及利益眾生的大力。


「Pemakarpo 的法教」中也預言將會有一位名叫奧巴薩卡嘉華寶瓦 (Opasaka Gyawa Pelwa, 「增善者」) 出世,他具大神通、智慧及吸引力,能利益一切眾生,不管是上界眾生,還是一般的在家人。奧巴薩卡嘉華寶瓦也傳聖教,令無數眾生奉行正法之善道,而且不僅奉行,還能因受其加持與慈悲而圓滿成此道。這就是名為奧巴薩卡嘉華寶瓦之人所有的特質。

「集經論」中說 ,在一億國土中,將 有一億噶瑪巴轉世,正如蓮花生大士的預言一樣。

「白蓮花經」(貝瑪嘎波) 中,也預言將有一位名叫嘉華佩瓦居士的出世,他具有大神通,智慧及攝受力,能益一切眾生,不管是上界眾生,還是一般的在家人。 嘉華佩瓦居士也傳聖教, 以及令無量眾生奉行正法之善道。眾生不僅奉行,還能因受其慈悲加持而圓成此道,這就是嘉華佩瓦居士的所有功德。如是觀之, 嘉華佩瓦居士能令無數上界眾生及一般凡夫獲得解脫。非但如此,預言還說他會令當時衰微的佛法安定下來。由於他的慈悲, 佛法得以穩固,而使佛法在住世利生的期間因而延長許多。

「Do Lang Kar Shekpa 的顯經」有一位弟子問佛未來戴黑寶冠者是誰,以及此人將於何土利益眾生時 。佛的答覆是,北方將有一位名「嘉華貝-吉祥佛尊」的具大能力及智慧者,他在未來將以杜松虔巴之名轉世。當弟子續問噶瑪巴將轉世幾次,以及噶瑪巴的法教將住世多久時,佛說噶瑪巴將以持比丘具足戒的身份轉世十三次,並於未來千佛時期不斷轉世,而且預言噶瑪巴的佛行及化現將永無休止。

弟子又問噶瑪巴將以何種方式利益眾生 ,佛回答他們說,對那些有因緣遇見噶瑪巴的人而言,見這一面就能為他們淨除前七世的障礙。

「Jampal Tsagyu 的密續」,斷言將有一位能發揚勝利者法教之士,降世為人,其名以「噶」音始,以「瑪」音終。該經還預言,由於噶瑪巴的殊勝品性,眾生只要聽到他、看到他或想到他,即能獲得解脫。

「實踐觀世音菩薩之善行, 具足敬畏行為的密咒瑜珈士, 賦有聖者噶瑪巴之名者, 將橫越整個大地 . 他以善巧方便及大悲心,調伏有情和護佑他們」。

依據蓮花生大士的 21 位大寶法王預言,預言註明了每一位法王的名稱,重要事件與功德。以十七世大寶法王為例,蓮花生大士即預言大寶法王將和泰錫杜仁波切在一起。並且預言十七世法王的功德將直追獲得「大寶法王」尊號的第五世法王。

Sunny said...


Sunny said...

1st Karmapa

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Sunny said...

The Karmapa then turned to discuss the source of his name mantra, Karmapa Khyenno.

History records that at the invitation of the Emperor Yongle, the Fifth Karmapa (1384-1415) traveled to the Chinese capital of Nanjing. From this period dates a deep connection between the Secret Mantra tradition of Tibet and the Chinese people. After this time, the Karmapa explained, a book was composed in different scripts (Tibetan, Chinese, Lantsa, and so forth) that gave the images and names of buddhas,… More...

Sunny said...

In addition to the name of Karma Kamtshang, we also find Karma Kagyu (Kar ma bka’ brgyud). The first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa, was not popularly known as Karmapa, though in a vision he had received this name as the performer of the activities of all the buddhas. People have different theories about the origin of this name. Some say that it comes from the fact that the Dusum Khyenpa stayed for a long… More...

Sunny said...







~ 法王噶瑪巴2014年歐洲弘法行:大手印禪修

Sunny said...

Karmapa Chenno 🙏🙏

Sunny said...

祈願法會就像一盞明燈,它不僅照耀菩提迦耶這個地方 ,也希望這個光明能夠照亮世界每一個角落。所以我們大家相聚在這裏祈願後,希望每個人回去都能將這個祈願的光明也帶回去。當大家回到世界各個角落的時候,就好像夜空中的繁星一樣,在世界各地,都可以看到這樣子閃耀著祈願的光芒,這是我一直以來的想像。


Sunny said...


The 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje’s Aspiration for the Kagyu Monlam:
I make this aspiration that when you recite these prayers during the Monlam, each word may first arise in your heart, and then emerge from your mouth. I pray that every letter and syllable becomes a golden image and that every word fills the entire world. May all the sounds of lament and war as well as the poisonous winds in the environment be dispelled. May these words of love and compassion blend with the innate goodness of every single being and coalesce into one powerful force. Like the light of the sun, moon and stars, may love, compassion and wisdom shine forth. May they strike every single living being and dispel the darkness of ignorance, attachment and hatred that has lurked for ages in their being. When any living being meets another, may it be like the reunion of a mother and child after a long separation. In a harmonious world such as this, may I see everyone sleep peacefully to the music of non-violence. This is my dream.
(Source: Internet)

Sunny said...

Every year watching the Bodhgaya Kagyu Monlam in Spore, there is mixed feelings...
It is the 5th year again next year...since last visit to India...

Sunny said...

Aspirations of Mahamudra

Sunny said...

Teachings at Kagyu Monlam Day!

Sunny said...


對🎓法王噶瑪巴 的印象,… More...

Sunny said...

Cool I was there on this date...








Sunny said...

Abt Karmapa...🙏

Sunny said...



第17世大寶法王噶瑪巴鄔金欽列多傑,可謂是眾多佛教徒夢想要親近的善知識之一。… More...

Sunny said...

The meaning of Kagyu Monlam logo.

Sunny said...
