Sunday, February 16, 2014

Liang Huang Repentence Liturgy

So fast, another year has arrived !

(Smokey, Sweaty, Breathless, Tiredness, Pain are physical words. 
AGE caught up : -p
APPLAUSE again to the Leading Venerables...)
The abbess encouraged us to continue more than treating the prostrations as an exercise but repenting our past bad actions with the physical discomfort as cleansing process. 
Cause and effects ~ Karma...
We have created many past bad actions (known and unknown/forgotten) over present and past lives. Acknowledgement and vowing not to repeat,  the repentance puja will help us greatly.

(Every year is a different experience to the different chapters. And as only read it once a year at the puja, always enchanted by the wordings. Some of which pace being  too fast may not had completely comprehend the meaning which could be more than what one literally read and some beautiful paragraphs really Need guidance to really appreciate context.
Wish is for the texts of Liang Huang Repentance Liturgy to be taught and explained before next puja for participants to better and really appreciate the compilation of repentance phrases and the praises. 
With my deteriorating comprehension of Chinese,  it is already a masterpiece , I am sure it will be more appreciated by all if such classes are available and well explained...)


Anonymous said...

Rejoice to the beings led to a good place by the good merits dedicated by group ~ Pureland .

Us in samsara still have to work hard to build up merits to attain our entry and hopefully we could get the right teachers to guide us to the right path.

Sunny said...

9th year!
Thankful for relative smooth attendance today...
I like the meaningful phrases always found in the repentence texts...
May all beings be guided swiftly to Amitabha Buddha's Pureland!
May all be led on path of ultimate happiness!
Amituofo _/|\_