Monday, September 24, 2018

Tergar Asia 8 Days Retreat in Thailand (2018) -1

【2018泰國八日禪明就仁波切 ・首日開示摘要】



Finding balance - not too tight and not too loose
At the beginning of this retreat, apart from having good motivation, finding balance is also very important.
In order to have good motivation, just "wanting" to have loving-kindness, compassion and bodhicitta is already enough. Actually, loving-kindness, compassion and bodhicitta are with us all the time. Therefore, don't worry too much about the quality of your motivation. The most important thing is, you really "want" to have good motivation.
Another important thing is "finding balance", meaning, "not too tight and not too loose."
You might wonder, "In order to attend this retreat, I have to save up my money, beg my boss so that I can take my leave, persuade my husband/wife so that I can come here..." So, "I must get enlightenment!" or "Even though I cannot achieve enlightenment this time, I must be really close to enlightenment!", and "I decided that from now on, I must have bliss, clarity, and be non-conceptual!"
If you think like that, "crazy monkey" will come after you.
You don't believe this? How about we try an exercise to prove it? Let's practice the "pizza meditation" :
First, keep your spine straight, relax the muscles in your body, and then for the next one minute, you can't think of pizza. Even if you think of pizza just once, your meditation will be destroyed! Also, you can't think of "can't think of pizza" - because when you think of "can't think of pizza", that means you are thinking of pizza.
How was it? If I ask you not to think of pizza, your mind is thinking about pizza all the time.
It's the same analogy - if you tell yourself not to worry, not to have emotions, troubles, pain etc... actually they are getting stronger. If you chase after bliss, peace and non-conceptual experience, then bliss, peace and non-conceptual experience will tell you that they are busy and disappear.
The moment you want to have good motivation, good motivation is already there. Don't worry too much about the quality of the motivation, but don't give up either. Let go of your worries, but don't give up.
"Giving up" is like this... (Rinpoche grasped the mala with his hand facing down, then when he loosened his grip, the mala fell onto the floor)
But "letting go" is like this ... (Rinpoche placed the mala in his palm with his hand facing up, the mala stayed in his hand even though he loosened his fingers)
Letting go comes from wisdom. When you think of letting go, actually you are connecting with your wisdom. Awareness is always there, and so is loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom. All you have to do is to recognize that, and to be with them.
Starting from tonight, whether in your practice session or elsewhere, try not to get lost and maintain awareness, but also, don't be too tight.
(Excerpt from Mingyur Rinpoche's teachings on 9 Sep, 2018 during Tergar Asia 8 Days)

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