Monday, September 24, 2018

Tergar Asia 8 Days Retreat in Thailand (2018) - 7A


■ To feel the sunlight, you need to walk under the sun; to receive blessings, pray
Now imagine Vajrasattva in the space before us.
If you imagine him here in the space before us, he will be here, because for Vajrasattva, there is no difference between near and far, front and back, up and down. 
Awareness is everywhere and nowhere. Therefore, Vajrasattva is everywhere and nowhere. 
But you are not everywhere. You are in this tiny, tiny room, in this tiny, tiny body. 
When you are in this small room, you are not in another room. If you are facing front, you cannot see the back. For us, things are either black or white – very limited. But when we fully recognise nature of mind, we will be just like Vajrasattva.

So now we pray to Vajrasattva to receive the empowerment.

As you pray to Vajrasattva, know that Vajrasattva is not just the embodiment of awareness, but also compassion. Because of his compassion, he is always ready to bring benefit to sentient beings, just like the sun that is always shining. But even though the sun is always shining, to feel the sunlight you still need to walk out under the sun. This is why we pray to receive blessings.
What are blessings? It is positive interdependence. 
If we pray to Vajrasattva, who has fully recognised nature of mind, we will receive blessings that will help us to further our practice so that we, too, may recognise nature of mind.
Remember what I said two days ago about the cause and conditions necessary for a flower to grow? There has to be a cause, which is the seed, and conditions, such as soil, fertilizer and water, for the flower to grow. 
The seed of our enlightenment is wisdom, and blessings act as one of the conditions we need – the soil, fertilizer and water of our enlightenment. 
Another way to understand blessings is: if you bring a lit lamp to one that is not lit, wick to wick, the unlit lamp will also be lit.
(Excerpt from Mingyur Rinpoche’s teaching on 15 Sept 2018 during the Vajrasattva empowerment at Tergar Asia’s 8-Day Retreat in Thailand)

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