一, 上師相應法;
二, 那洛六法;
三, 心性修持。
一, 佛陀言教的上師:就是佛說的各種法。
二, 顯相表徵的上師:指的是一切現象。
三, 人類的上師。
■ Milarepa: Guru yoga is the practice of my life
The essence of Vajrayana is "guru yoga".
Refuge, bodhicitta and guru yoga are considered the essence of the three yanas.
The core practice for refuge is the renunciation of samsara, and we practice bodhicitta with the motivation to attain buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings. Yet, it is the practice of guru yoga which enables the practitioner to swiftly attain the fruition of buddhahood.
As such, guru yoga is the essential practice of Vajrayana. Whether you are practicing the developmental stage or the completion stage, you need to practice it together with guru yoga.
Let's take Milerepa as an example. In Tibetan Buddhism, Milarepa is regarded as the most famous yogi who achieved enlightenment in one lifetime. We might ask "What did Milarepa do in order to attain the fruition of buddhahood?"
Actually, Milarepa has said, “The practice of guru yoga is the practice of my life, and the Six Yogas of Naropa is the complementary practice.” So the three main practices that Milarepa did throughout his whole life are:
1 Guru yoga
2 Six Yogas of Naropa
3 Nature of mind
Since guru yoga is paramount, therefore we must first understand the meaning of “guru”:
The ultimate guru does not exist in the external world.
In fact, the ultimate guru is our nature of mind.
In Tibetan language, the word for guru is "lama", meaning the "supreme" that cannot be surpassed.
Along with this meaning, the most ultimate, the most supreme practice is the nature of mind practice.
No other practice is more profound. The absolute reality and the nature of the mind is our supreme guru.
In the Nectar of the Path liturgy, Mingyur Rinpoche said "The ultimate refuge is perfectly complete within me." Therefore the first thing we must bear in mind is the true guru does not exist in the external world. The ultimate guru is our nature of mind, and in order to see the absolute reality and the nature of mind, we need to do the nature of mind practice.
The nature of mind that is our supreme guru is inherent in all sentient beings, yet it remains obscured from us. In order to be able to recognize our ultimate guru, that is our nature of mind, we must practice. As such, we need help from an "external guru" who can support us in recognising our nature of mind.
There are three kinds of guru who can provide such help for us:
1 Buddhadharma, which represents all the teachings of Buddha;
2 Phenomena, meaning all manifestations, and
3 Human guru
1 Buddhadharma as guru. As we can no longer see the Buddha, we can only rely upon his teachings as the guru. Yesterday when Rinpoche gave you the pointing-out teachings for the nature of mind, he asked you to look at the mind, and try to find the shape and colour of the mind. Such methods are documented in the Buddhist sutras. Practicing the analytical method through asking yourself questions is very important. If you don't go through these steps to try and find your mind through personal experience, emptiness will always remain a word or a concept which you can never comprehend.
Any nature of mind practice, such as to look for the mind, to see whether it has shape and colour...etc, is not a game for fun. Nor is it a joke. In fact, this practice is imperative for you to be able to recognize your nature of mind. Since all the nature of mind practices can be found in the sutras, that is why we say Buddhadharma is the great guru.
2 Phenomena as guru. Seeing phenomena as guru means we use all kinds of manifestations as support for us to recognize the nature of mind. Phenomena is the symbolic guru. For example, when we practice shamatha meditation, we need to rely on different objects which our mind can rest upon. All the form, sound, smell, taste, touch, idea; the sky and oceans, all the phenomena and manifestations are the symbolic guru which helps us to recognize the absolute nature of reality. Therefore in the sutras, it says "The guru appears as all phenomena."
3 Human guru. This is the guru in human form who "points out your nature of mind" and introduces to you the absolute reality. Of all the three gurus, the human guru is the most important. While the previous two gurus are tools that can help you, it is the human guru who can provide the practical and direct guidance which lead you to recognize your nature of mind.
According to the nature of mind teachings, if you do not have a human guru to guide you, then unless there is an extremely rare coincidence that may happen once in a billion years, it is nearly impossible for you to recognize the nature of mind by yourself.
Therefore, it is the human guru on whom we must rely.
(Excerpt from Khenpo kunga's teachings on 14 Sep 2018 during Day 6 of Tergar Asia 8-Day Retreat)